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Return to school information 4th January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers, 
We very much look forward to welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow. We will be experiencing some staff shortages but hopefully this will not impact too greatly.
 I would just like to remind everyone that if children have any covid symptoms they should not attend school and they should have a PCR test. 
If children have been in contact with someone with a confirmed case of covid and they are symptom free they can continue to attend school. The government recommends in these circumstances that children aged 5 and over undertake daily lateral flows for 7 days. For children under 5 it is recommended they are taken for a PCR. 
If your child tests positive for Covid they should isolate for 10 days, unless they test negative on lateral flow tests on day 6 and then 24 hrs later on day 7. If this is the case they can return to school on day 8. If you are in any doubt please give us a  call. 
Thank you 
Mrs Darby.
