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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Update from Governor Vacancy Nominations

    Mon 21 Mar 2022

    Dear Parents,


    We are pleased to announce that we have appointed our Parent Governor vacancy to Emilie DeBruijn following count of the parent vote which closed on Monday 14th of March 2022. We would like to thank parents for the interest shown and the number of votes received during this process. 

  • Return to school information 4th January 2022

    Mon 03 Jan 2022

    Dear Parents and Carers, 
    We very much look forward to welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow. We will be experiencing some staff shortages but hopefully this will not impact too greatly.
     I would just like to remind everyone that if children have any covid symptoms they should not attend school and they should have a PCR test. 
    If children have been in contact with someone with a confirmed case of covid and they are symptom free they can continue to attend school. The government recommends in these circumstances that children aged 5 and over undertake daily lateral flows for 7 days. For children under 5 it is recommended they are taken for a PCR. 
    If your child tests positive for Covid they should isolate for 10 days, unless they test negative on lateral flow tests on day 6 and then 24 hrs later on day 7. If this is the case they can return to school on day 8. If you are in any doubt please give us a  call. 
    Thank you 
    Mrs Darby.

  • Carol Concert Reminder - Outdoors for Y3,Y4 and Y5

    Tue 07 Dec 2021

    The Carol Concert will take place on Thursday the 7th of December at 10:30am and 2:30pm.

    Letters have been sent home regarding tickets. If you haven't received one yet, please speak to a member of the leadership team on the gate on a morning. A polite reminded that tickets are restricted to 2 per family.


    It is very cold at the moment so please make sure that your child brings a warm coat to school on Thursday and where possible a hat and gloves. 


    All parents should arrive at the normal gate which children enter into school on a morning, no earlier than 10:15am. 


    Please make sure that you bring your tickets as these will be collected at the gate.


    We hope that you enjoy the performance!


    Thank you

    Y3,Y4,Y5 Team  

  • Christmas Performances

    Tue 07 Dec 2021

    Dear Parents,

    I'm sure you are aware many schools have cancelled their Christmas performances and moved them online. We have risk assessed our performances and believe we are still ok to go ahead.


    The reason why we are happy to continue are:

    - each indoor performance is only for one year group

    - audiences will be a maximum of 120

    - audiences have been asked to wear masks

    -the hall will be well ventilated (wear a jumper)

    -our mixed year group performances are being held outside


    We are also asking that, where possible, anyone attending an indoor performance takes a lateral flow test on the day of the show. We will not be asking to see the test/results, we are simply asking you to consider this as a further precaution and to keep everyone safe. School staff already take a minimum of 2 lateral flow tests each week.


    We will be recording the indoor performances and sharing these later for anyone who doesn't feel comfortable to attend, information to follow.


    Thank you for your continued support.


    Mrs Darby

  • Recycled Clothing Container

    Tue 30 Nov 2021

    As some of you may have noticed at home time today, we now have our own new recycled clothing container for school, located on our school yard. We are hoping to encourage children, parents and staff to recycle unwanted clothes, shoes and textiles whilst at the same time raising funds for the school. 


    All the unwanted good quality clothing is re-sold, re-used or recycled to help lessen the impact of waste management on the Environment.


    We hope that the children can get involved at home by recycling any of the above items and placing in our container whilst also supporting the school and helping the environment. 


    The above listed items can be disposed of in the bins during pick up and drop off times. The only thing that we ask is if the container is full that items are not left outside of the bin. The container will be emptied within a couple of days if full and therefore items could be brought back at another time.  


    We hope to see many of the children using this facility in the future. 


    Thank you for your continued support. 

  • Christmas Raffle

    Tue 30 Nov 2021

    Hello all,

    We still have some raffle tickets available to buy on a first come first serve basis. There are some fantastic prizes such as a signed Hartlepool United football shirt, kindle, smellies, children's toys, various food hampers, vouchers for local businesses, bottles of Wine and Spirits and many more.


    If you would like to purchase extra tickets please come to the main school office. We would advise that you wear face coverings during busy times in the reception area.


    Monies raised goes towards the children's Christmas activities in school. Thank you for your continued support.

    Good Luck!

  • Y6 - Covid Update

    Wed 24 Nov 2021

    24 November 2021


    Dear Y6 Parents


    I wanted to update you on the current situation with our Covid outbreak.


    We now have 13 confirmed cases in Y6.


    Thank you so much to the vast majority of parents who shared the negative PCR results with us today, it is fabulous that we are all working together to try our best to reduce the risk of more cases.


    Following a meeting with Public Health today, we have been advised to cancel all after school clubs for year 6 children for the time being.


    This does not include Breakfast Club or Kidzone as these are care facilities. However the children will be kept separate to the other year groups whilst there.


    I hope all those who have tested positive are feeling ok and are not experiencing too many symptoms. If we can help with anything please give us a call.


    As all year groups are already kept apart in school Public Health have advised we simply continue this during the outbreak. Year 6 staff will continue to take lateral flow tests daily.


    If any child in any year group displays symptoms or seems unwell please take them for a PCR test and keep them at home until a negative result is received.


    Thank you for your continued support.


    Yours sincerely

    A. Darby


  • Year 6 Covid -19 Update

    Tue 23 Nov 2021

    23 November 2021

    Dear Parents of Year 6


    We have now received the staff test results we were waiting for and we can now safely staff year 6.


    Please read the following carefully.


    Any child who has no symptoms at all and a negative PCR can return to school this afternoon from 1pm.


    If parents are happy to do so, please show the negative PCR result to staff at the office.


    If you prefer, children can return tomorrow morning at normal school time and show the negative PCR to staff on the gate. We now have 12 cases across Year 6.


    It is very important that we remain vigilant for symptoms. A negative PCR only tells us about that exact moment in time. If any staff or pupil have any symptoms within the 10 day period, they should have a further PCR test.


    Staff from Year 6 who are in school will be taking daily lateral flow test to try and mitigate the risk.


    Government guidance is that lateral flow tests should only be used for primary aged pupils at parents’ discretion whilst waiting for PCR results.


    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school.


    Thank you for your continued support.


    Mrs Darby

  • Year 6 Pupils and Staff - Positive Covid-19 Cases

    Sun 21 Nov 2021

    Dear Year 6 parents, we have now been informed of a number of positive cases of covid 19 in year 6. I have spoken  to the local authority this morning and the advice is that everyone in year 6, staff and pupils, should not attend school tomorrow and they should have a negative PCR before they return to school. I will be discussing the situation further with the Director of Public Health tomorrow and I will be in touch with further advice. Please book a PCR as soon as you can. 
    Thank you 
    Mrs Darby

  • Our new School Communication App

    Tue 16 Nov 2021

    Dear Parent/Carer,


    We are pleased to announce that we are all set up and ready to roll out our new school communication app that we informed you about earlier on in the school year. If you have already completed the form and returned to school with your contact details then you should receive a text message over the next couple of days from ‘TheSchoolApp’ as below:


     ‘Your school have given you access to receive private app messages. To verify your phone number, please follow this link’


    Keep this message as you can use the link to set up your access to the app.


    Please see below some instructions  we hope will help with the set-up:


    1. Ensure you have downloaded ‘TheSchoolApp’ for your mobile device.
    2. Follow the link that you have received on your mobile device.
    3. Confirm your mobile phone number when prompted.
    4. You should then receive a text message with a verification code to enter onto the app.
    5. You should then be prompted to enter a PIN code to provide extra security when using the app.
    6. Should your phone have the ability to recognise Face ID or Touch ID, you will be prompted and asked if you would like to use this instead of entering your PIN for the future. If you have been sent a code but you don’t complete the authentication process, you will be asked to complete the PIN set up the first time you try and access a private message.
    7. You will now see the school and pupil/s you are subscribed to by name. Next tap the ‘Done’ button.
    8. You will then be taken to the home screen of the app that will always display the School’s Calendar, Latest News items and Newsletters.
    9. You will also notice that there are 5 tabs along the bottom of the screen. ‘Home’, ‘Calendar’, ‘School’, ‘Messages’ and ‘More’.
    10. The ‘messages’ section is where you will see private messages that guest users will not have access to. For example, the messages may be information about your child’s class trip, information about a club they attend or could be a personal message sent only to yourself regarding them individually.   


    Guest Users

    If you have not been given app access by school and have not been through the authentication process, you can still view TheSchoolApp as a guest user. Once you have tapped into the app through your device you will be asked if you have received an SMS invitation from the school. Tap ‘No’. This option is great for the likes of Grandparents or extended family members who want to keep up with the latest news at Kingsley, Newsletters, holiday dates etc. but haven’t been granted access for private messages. 


    You can find a link to a more detailed guide if required here.


    If you have any problems with the set up please don’t hesitate to contact the school office on 01429 273102.


    Thank you

    Kingsley School Office


