Admission into Nursery
Pupils with SEND who require a mainstream place within nursery follow the same criteria as all pupils requesting a nursery place. Parents apply directly to the school for a nursery place and are offered a pre nursery place prior to starting nursery. Pupils who require an additionally resourced assessment place in nursery apply directly to the school with clear evidence of either a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder or expert agency involvement with the professionals in the assessment process of the diagnostic team. All applications for additionally resourced assessment places in nursery are discussed and agreed with the local authority on an annual basis or as necessary if the places are not full.
If a child has an additionally resourced assessment place in nursery this does not guarantee an additionally resourced or mainstream place in the school.
Admission into School
All applications for school places either mainstream or additionally resourced are made via the local authority admissions arrangements. (See Hartlepool Borough Council Admission to Primary School Policy and Criteria.) All applications for an additionally resourced place at Kingsley Primary School are discussed at the local authority exceptional circumstance panel meeting which is held annually in March. Three places are allocated to pupils joining the Reception cohort on a yearly basis in addition to the 55 mainstream places that are allocated.
Applications for all additionally resourced places throughout the whole school are made via the local authority admissions team and are discussed as and when places in different year groups become available.