Assessment for learning takes part on a daily basis during all lessons which is an essential part of teaching and is used to promote the raising of achievement for all pupils.
All SEND pupils are assessed termly in the core subjects in line with the school assessment for learning policy procedures. Pupils on the SEND register receive on going assessment tracking in preparation for the review/evaluation meeting, with parents, as part of the graduated support plan approach. This ensures that progress is discussed and new targets are set relating to the individual child’s specific areas of need.
The graduated response support plan cycle follows the assess, plan, do and review model which involves the child (where appropriate), parents and school staff agreeing targets, interventions and the support that is required for the child.
Pupils on the SEND register who have a ‘One Plan’ (EHC plan) have a planned multi agency annual review with parents, all professionals involved and the local authority SEND officer. This multi agency meeting allows opportunities for all professionals and parents to discuss progress towards target outcomes and review/revise the support plan that is in place. Where appropriate, pupils are invited in to the meeting or part of the meeting to be involved in the assessment and review process. Reviews take place annually unless on is called early by the parent or any professional involved with the child/family.