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KS1 Engagement Base

Welcome to the KS1 Engagement Base


Miss Simpson

In our class we currently have 8 children ranging from Reception - Year 2.


We follow an engagement curriculum centered around Communication and Language and learning key skills. 

We have new tasks and focus jobs each week that are usually based around the story we are learning.


We use this page and Tapestry to show the exciting and amazing tasks and achievments we get up to each week.


Some of the tasks you will see us do are, baking, social time, arts and crafts, PE, Attention Autism, ICT, music and many more. 

Baking-Jam Tarts

This week we have made some jam tarts in our baking lesson. We had these for our snack on Wednesday afternoon. The children enjoyed this activity, although some of us did not like the texture of the puff pastry. We used the cutter to cut out the shape of the tart, then we used our finger to press it into the cake tin, and lastly we used a spoon to scoop in some jam and squash it down. Great work!

Sensory Play

Sensory play is a big part of the curriculum in our classroom. The children use lots of different objects and activities to help regulate them, use their senses to explore, play and understand the world around them. Just some of the things we use are; food based tuff tray play, including, pasta, rice, water beads and cereal, spinning chairs, water play, peanut and exercise balls, painting and trampettes.


Last week we have introduced our new PECS box. The children have to take the card with the picture on that they want and give it to an adult in order to receive the item. The items range from food (chocolate buttons, quavers, raisins, animal biscuits, mini cheddars) to sensory toys and other toys the children like. So far the children are doing amazing work the PECS box and some are able to repeat the activity to get their desired object. 

Puzzles and Matching Activities.

In our class we do lots of different types of puzzles, ordering and matching activities and games. These are usually short tasks and help with focus, colours, letters and lots of other areas of learning. Take a look through the slideshow to see some of our recent puzzles and tasks. 

We enjoyed participating in our own sports morning in the warm weather. We weaved in and out of cones, crawled through a tunnel and exercised our muscles using the gym equipment. We had lots of fun!

Supporting France in the Euros!

We were given the county France to support during the Euro football season. We celebrated this by making a large flag and tasted yummy French food!

We loved the story 'The Rainbow Fish'! We participated in sensory play, arts and crafts, baked fairy cakes and various other activities. Take a look at what we got up to!

Ahhh! There's a Shark in the Park!

We enjoyed listening to the story 'There's a Shark in the Park'. We coloured in shark pictures, made telescopes and baked yummy cookies.

We enjoy participating in PE in the engagement base. Take a look at us enjoying an obstacle course in the hall.

Who knew that the little red hen could make a pizza! We began by reading the original story 'The Little Red Hen' and participated in many different activities about the story, varying from arts and crafts and practicing our fine motor skills by tracing lines. We then read 'The Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza'. We had lots of fun with this book and made our own tasty pizza! We also learnt about shape and created our own pizza collage!

We loved listening to the nursery rhyme 'Old Mac Donald had a Farm' and created a fantastic display in our classroom showcasing our wonderful work. We learnt about the animals he had on his farm during our arts and crafts activities, as well as baking animal biscuits.

We enjoyed listening to the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and participated in various activities related to the book. We joined in with sensory activities, baked cakes and explored the different sounds of musical instruments.
