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Staying Safe Online

Safer Internet Day 2023

Tuesday 7th February is Safer Internet Day 2023! 

We have all taken part in a range of activities across the week to demonstrate how we can stay safe when we are online.

This year's focus is "Let's talk about it" so we have been learning about who to talk to about issues we may face online. We have practised being the change by demonstrating positive comments that can be made about others and what positive advice we can give to each other to stay safe online. 


Check out some of the activities we completed below.

The Year 3 children looked at Making Connections when online. They produced some wonderful posters to show how they make connections. 

The Year 6 children discussed feeling pressurised or manipulated when playing online games. They then had a very deep and meaningful class discussion in order to come up with some good ideas about why someone might do this and what you should do if it happens to you. 


Teach the player some of your good moves so they get better at the game. Then they will be able to earn items instead of trying to steal from others. 


Why are you cyberbullying? I’m bullying someone to relieve my pressure at home and I am letting it out on people I don't know. Maybe I should talk to someone.


Give them reassurance if they are losing or doing bad at the game. Maybe help them.


Report things they do.


Tell a trusted adult if anything happens. 


Don’t add random players.


Ask a friend for advice if you are unsure.

As well as being unkind, it will make people not want to play with you. 

What Happens When You Contact Childline? | Childline

Want to contact Childline? Find out how we can help and what happens when you do. Contact Childline free on 0800 1111 or get confidential advice online: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ About us Childline is a free, private and confidential service for anyone under 19 in the UK.

At Kingsley, each year group explores a different age appropriate message in order to prepare them for using technology later in life in a safe and responsible manner. 


Children learn about the importance of asking an adult to use a device in order to ensure that they are accessing safe games and websites. 


Children read a story from Smartie the Penguin and learn all about thinking before you click on a link or an advert. They explore this message by offering Smartie advice and talking about what they would do in the position of the main character. 

Year 1

Children learn about how messages can be misunderstood online and that they should speak to a friend face to face before posting anything about others online. 

Year 2

Children explore Hector's World advice and stories about what information should be kept private and what can be shared with others online. 

Year 3

Children learn about how to be a good digital citizen and why it is important to be kind online. They talk about who it is safe to talk to (friends they know face to face) and how they are able to show themselves in a positive light online. 

Year 4

Children learn about fake news and how to check the reliability of things that they read online. They are taught not to share stories that have not been validated. They also explore age appropriate Social Media programs and why it is important not to lie about their age online. 


Year 5

Children look into the impact of too much screen time and how this can impact your mental health. They also learn about cyberbullying and why it is important to share with a trusted adult when something online has upset them. They look at how to support people who have experienced this kind of bullying and how (and why) it is important to develop their own positive presence online by treating others the way they would like to be treated.  


Year 6

Children learn about the impact of their actions online. They explore the idea that whatever is put online might be there forever even if it is supposed to be their for just a brief moment. They review their own habits and discuss how any positive decisions they make online can benefit them in later life and how negative posts can have a negative impact. 

KS1 Base

The children in the KS1 Base have been exploring being kind to others and what it means to be kind. 

Year 5 have been exploring the importance of Staying Safe Online and what risks we take when creating accounts on social media. They have also been thinking about the impact of too much screen time can have on your mental health. 

Year 2 have been using Purple Mash to share what they know about E-Safety! Well done guys!
Year 3 have been talking about the importance of staying safe online. They have talked about all of the helpful tips they have collected over the years and have turned these into informative PowerPoints. 

Helpful hints

Still image for this video

How to stay safe!

Still image for this video

Digital Citizenship


Being a good digital citizen is all about being kind, safe and careful when you are online. We know how to be a good citizen when we are living our lives but we need to remember to continue this kindness and good citizenship when we use technology too. 


The following link has some fabulous games and videos to watch all about being a good digital citizen.

What is a digital footprint?

We all know that e-safety is an important part of everyday life and work hard to keep ourselves and each other safe at Kingsley.

Child Focus 'E-safety'

Key Stage 1 enjoy using Smartie the penguin and Hector's world to learn all about staying safe online. Follow the links below to check out what they have been up to.