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Competitions and Events 2023-2024

Competitive Sports Day Events 

Reception did amazing well in their competitive sports day. Look at some of our brilliant athletes racing each other around the field. 


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Cycling Competition

8 children from Year 5 attended a cycling competition organised and ran by Manilla Cycling at Summerhill. All children had a great day and enjoyed cycling on the new track. Well done Year 5! 

Netball Festival

Our Year 5/6 girls attended a Netball festival in which they played against other schools, as a taster and introduction to the sport. The girls had a fantastic time and some girls were signposted to Oaksway Netball Club which is fantastic! 

Boys Cricket Town Finals

Our boys had a fantastic day playing cricket at Seaton Cricket Club. Their behaviour and sportsman ship were incredible. Everyone tried their best and had lots of fun! Well done everyone! 

National Dodgeball North East Championships

After attending our first ever National competition it was fantastic to get through to the North East Championships. Ten teams took part and we finished 4th to earn a place in the finals at Nottingham! Well done team! 

Boys Football League 

On Tuesday 16th April, the boys football league team attended the town finals at Hartlepool United Football Ground. It was a fantastic experience for the boys to get to play there and the first time Kingsley have made it through to these town finals! On the day the team gave it their all however the match ended 2-0 to the opposing team. Well done Team Kingsley it was a great achievement to get there! 

Hoopstarz Festival

Another new event to the calendar this year! 10 year 5 children attended a festival to learn new skills with hula hoops. They hula hooped with different body parts, practised different skills they could do whilst hula hooping and built and played games with the hoops! 

#Letgirlsplay Event

On Friday 8th March, Kingsley girls from Rec-Year 6 all took part in getting girls involved in football. All the girls went out onto the field all afternoon and participated in football drills, skills and matches. The feedback from the girls was fantastic and resulting from this event we have had more girls getting involved in football at breaktimes which is great! 

Table Tennis Competition

4 girls and 4 boys from Year 5 and 6 attended the Cleveland Table Tennis competition at Ormsby Table Tennis Club in Middlesbrough. The children played some excellent matches and made themselves and the school proud with their determination and impeccable behaviour. 


"Although we lost, I tried my best and it was really fun to take part. It was my first time attending a table tennis competition and I was really proud to be the only Year 5 to take part." Maymuna Y5 

Aqua Splash Festival

Ten Year 4 children took part in an Aqua Splash Festival at Mill House Leisure Centre. They took part in a range of mini games and exercises focused on having fun and increasing water confidence. All children tried their best and worked really well in the water. 

Swimming Gala

In February, 27 children from across Year 5 and 6 attended a competitive swimming gala at Mill House Leisure Centre. There was a selection of individual races in freestyle, back stroke and breast stroke and team relays also. 


"Everyone tried their hardest in all the races. I really enjoyed myself, I was entered in the individual breast stoke race." Lucy Y5


"I was really proud of myself for taking part in the relay race and we came 2nd! We all had a great time and enjoyed ourselves."  Connie Y5

Dodgeball Town Finals

A massive well done to the Year 6s who got through to the Dodgeball town final. A great time was had by all the children who demonstrated excellent teamwork and sportsmanship. 

Dance Participation Event

20 children from across Year 3 and 4 took part in a dance festival at Karen Liddle School of Dance in Hartlepool. There was a carousel of different dance styles for children to try out and even the staff joined in! Feedback from the day was really positive with everyone leaving with smiles on their faces. The children made Kingsley proud with their behaviour and positive attitudes to trying something new.

UV Dodgeball

A new event to the calendar this year that the Year 3/4s really enjoyed and the staff! Dodgeball in the dark! All the children tried really hard and had a fun morning!  

Boys Football League

Well done to the boys football team playing in the second round of the Premier League versing 5 other teams from across the town and winning the cup! 

Sports Hall Athletics

21 children from Year 5 and 6 took part in a Sports hall athletics cluster competition at Manor Academy. They had a fantastic morning competing in track and field events and they finished in 2nd place, qualifying through to the town finals. Well done Team Kingsley! 

Dodgeball Cluster Event

Well done to the Year 6 Dodgeball team who had a fantastic afternoon at the Dodgeball Centre versing schools in our Cluster making it through to the town final! 

Den Building and Orienteering

The Year 3s and 4s had a great time experiencing den building and orienteering at Summerhill. Everyone put in 100% effort and worked together as a team to complete the tasks. Well done everyone! 


"I liked finding the crayons and drawing with a partner. I found long sticks and helped make a throne for someone's birthday."  Isabelle Y3


"I really liked going into the woods and building the dens. I felt proud to be picked and experience being outdoors with my friends." Freddie Y3

Tag Rugby County Final

What a great experience the tag rugby team had playing against other schools from across Teesside in the county finals. The whole team played well together and made the school proud. Well done! 


"The event was fun, very intense and much harder than the cluster event. I was excited to see who we would be versing. I was very proud of our team coming 3rd in the whole of Tees Valley."  Oliver D Y6

Tag Rugby Coach Training

In preparation for the boys county final, one of the coaches from Hartlepool Rugby Club came to run the team through a session. Thank you so much for all your help! 

Multi Skills Festival

30 Children from Year 1 and 2 took part in a multi skills festival. It was fantastic to see all children getting involved and having a go at different activities. 

Tag Rugby Town Finals

Well done to both our boys and girls tag rugby teams for making it through to the town final. Both teams were driven, demonstrated great sportsmanship and tried their best. The boys were victorious and made it through to the county finals for the first time ever! 


"It was really fun and I would love to do it again! I was really excited and all my team mates were really nice and encouraging."  Jasmine Y6


"I really liked how everyone got involved and passed the ball around. I loved Mrs Meadley and Mr Matthews supporting from the side lines. I was really proud that we came 1st."   George Y5

Cross Country County Finals

On Wednesday 11th October, 9 children from Years 4, 5 and 6 attended the Cross Country County Finals at Stewart's Park Middlesbrough. All children tried their very best versing finalists from across Teesside. 


"It was fun to go and represent my town. I was really nervous but also excited. I was really happy to come 23rd in the whole of Tees Valley."

Archie Y5


"I was nervous but also excited being the only Year 6 that qualified to this event. The venue was really good and well set out. I'm really grateful for having the opportunity to go and represent my town." Toby Y6 

Tag Rugby Cluster Event 

Kingsley entered 4 teams into the cluster event - 2 competitive teams - boys and girls and 2 developmental teams - boys and girls. Well done to both the boys and girls competitive teams who both made it through to the town finals! Great work everyone! 


"I was really happy to be involved and participate. I had lots of fun! When I heard we had won I was very excited!"  Willow Y5


"I really liked that I was able to represent my school. I was happy I was with some of my friends. It was very fun and new to me as I had never played before. I was proud we came 2nd." Shaun Y6

Cross Country Competition

On Tuesday 3rd October, 20 children from across Key Stage 2 took part in a cross country competition versing children from schools across the town. 


"I like supporting everyone and going out of school to represent Kingsley. I was proud I came 10th."  Billy Y4


"I really enjoy running and felt proud to represent my school"   Kira Y4

Girls Football League

On 29th September, Y5/6 girls attended a Football League event at Brierton Sports Centre. They all had a fantastic time and demonstrated excellent teamwork.


"I really enjoyed playing against other opponents . We didn't give up and everyone was really nice." Macie Y5


"I really enjoyed the girls I went with and how well we played together. I am looking forward to going back and progressing further in the tournament. Everyone was really supportive of us!" Jess Y6

Girls Football Participation Event

On 22nd September, 10 Y4 children attended a football participation event at Brierton Sports Centre. The girls had lots of fun and demonstrated great sportsmanship. Well done Y4! 


"I really liked playing the matches. Miss O'Boyle was supporting us from the sideline which made me excited." Isla-Grace Y4


"It was great! I loved playing the mini matches and playing the games. I even made some new friends from other schools." Freya Y4

Y5/6 Boys Football League 

On Friday 15th September, 14 Y5/6 boys attended a football League event at Brierton Sports Centre. The boys were in the 'Premier League' Category and played some great games! 


"I liked being able to play football and play mid-field. I liked the experience of representing the school" Dylan Y6


"It was really good and I was proud to represent my school. I can't wait to go again" Sam Y5.

Competitions and Events 2022-2023

Competitive Sports Day 

Well done to all the children that competed in the competitive sports day. It was amazing to see children from Reception up to Year 6 trying their best and showing their support for their friends!

Interschool Football Competition

Girls Football Festival

We would like to say thank you to Fens Primary School for allowing Kingsley to host their first ever all girls football tournament. We hope to see you again next year!

Y4 Skipping Finals

The Y4 children have worked tirelessly to prepare for the skipping town finals and their hard work was certainly rewarded. As a group, they struck gold in the skip dance and won an array of bronze, silver and golds in the individual skipping events. Well done to all involved!

Y3 Tennis Competition

The children did amazingly well at the town tennis competition. This is a new sport for a lot of our children and they showed great skill and determination.

Premier Cup Football Teams

Both teams played really well during this event and ended up being the fourth best teams from the schools in Hartlepool.

Y6 Premier League Football

Outstanding effort from the Year 6 football team. Finishing in third position out of eight schools! Great work!

Tag Rugby Town Finals

Placing fourth and fifth place out of eight, the Y6 boys and girls gave their all. Great sportsmanship and fantastic rugby skills on display from the children whilst on this event. 

Table Tennis Competition

On Saturday 14th January, four Y6 boys travelled to Kirkby-Stephen Grammar school to participate in the Zone Finals of primary table tennis. An excellent effort to reach this level of competition! The boys were treated to a well deserved Greggs and KFC for their efforts. Well done!

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Indoor Athletics

Y5 and Y6 Basketball Finals

The children did amazingly well against some really talented schools in our local town. Well done everyone involved!

SEND Basketball event

The children loved representing Kingsley Primary school at the SEND basketball event. They played a range of activities and games with other school in our local area.


Multi- Skills Event 

Well done to the children that attended the multi- skills event at Brieton Sports centre. They enjoyed playing a range of events with some of the schools in our local area. 

Cross Country Cluster Event

Well done to all the children that took part in the cross country cluster event at Summerhill. All children demonstrated excellent behaviour and from this event 16 children went through to the town final. Congratulations everyone! 

Tees Valley Athletics Final

A big well done to Harry, Lucas and Connor who represented the school and Hartlepool in the Tees Valley Athletics Finals. 

Connor took part in the Y6 boys 80m sprint and the Y6 boys relay team.

Harry took part in the Y5 boys 60m sprint and the Y5 relay team.

Lucas took part in the howler throw.

Harry came 1st in his individual race and Lucas came 2nd in the Howler throw! Congratulations! We are so pleased with all the children who took part in all stages of the athletics competitions and it was fantastic to see these 3 boys qualify through to the final stage! Well done! 

Y5 Cycling Event

Kingsley took part in a fantastic new competition involving cycling on the brand new track being built at Summerhill. 4 boys and 4 girls from Y5 participated in races including individual cycling races and team relays. All children had a great time and couldn't stop talking about it when they got back to school! Well done everyone! 

Town Netball 

Well done to Amelia and Robyn on being chosen to represent Kingsley and our cluster in a town netball competition. The girls were really eager and excited to take part in this event, the first time it has taken place! As always, they demonstrated excellent skills and behaviour, representing the school fantastically! 

Year 5 Netball 

It was fantastic to see our Year 5 girls take part in a Netball cluster competition. They all tried really hard to get involved and the team work was exceptional. From this event 2 of our girls were chosen to participate in a town team. Well done! 

Year 3 Tennis Competition

Mark Barrass came into school to help us learn some tennis skills. From this we then attended a tennis competition at Manor Secondary School. The behaviour and attitudes on the day were exceptional and we came in 3rd place. Well done everyone, you were fantastic! 

Football League

Kingsley Y6 boys were placed into the championship league and played their round of games on Friday 19th November.  The team played against other school teams from across the town and were victorious, bringing back a trophy! Well done boys! 

Basketball Cluster Event 

Kingsley entered 2 Year 5 teams into the Basketball cluster event. All children demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and effort in the games. Well done everyone! 

Cross Country Tees Valley Final

A big well done to Isla and Toby who made it all the way to the Tees Valley Final in Middlesbrough! 

They said: 

"We made it through 2 rounds to get to the Tees Valley Final. In the final, we had to run a couple of miles. Although it was tiring, we tried our hardest and represented Kingsley well. Toby came in 23rd and Isla came in 53rd" 


Cross Country Town Final

On 7th October our cross country cluster finalists went to High Tunstall for the town final. Everyone had a great day and 2 children made it through to the Tees Valley Final! Well done everyone!  

Cross Country Cluster Event 

On 14th September, 53 children from Y3-6 attended a cluster cross country race at Summerhill. It was fantastic to see sporting events taking place again and all children had a brilliant afternoon. Everyone tried their hardest and had fun! 17 children managed to finish in the top ten for their year group and therefore qualified for the town final! Well done to everyone who took part and good luck to those heading to the town final! 
