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We created a display to show our narrative writing journey from reception to year 6 and had a sneak peek at year 7 expectations too.

Book Swap

Our book swap area is now open to all. Lovely to see 2 of our year 1 children accessing it independently.

World Environment Day 

Key stage 1 enjoyed a lovely story about cleaning up the environment and discussed what we could do to help.

Royal Shakespeare Company Associate Schools Programme

We are excited to be part of the Associate Schools Programme ran by RSC. Members of staff have participated in residential and local training delivered by the RSC. We then delivered some of this as CPD to the whole teaching and SLT staff. They had lots of fun and can't wait to share their learning with their classes!

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Royal Shakespeare Company

As a result of staff training, all classes have been introduced to William Shakespeare and his play 'The Tempest'. We look forward to exploring more Shakespeare plays next year.

World Poetry Day 2024

We held an assembly to celebrate World Poetry Day. We had some very brave children who read some poems aloud in the assembly for the rest of us to enjoy. 

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During lunch, we enjoyed listening to Mrs Ord reading from our 'Crazy Creatures' book (which contains stories written by children in our school). Writing Competition

We recently entered  competitions for EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 through We are eagerly awaiting the outcome of the competition and are very hopeful!

From the many amazing entries, we chose a winner from each cohort and it wasn't easy! Take a look at some of our fantastic entries...

Masked Reader Kingsley Primary School!

Who's behind the mask?

World Book Day 


We had an exciting day full of fancy dress, our favourite books, bookmarks, reading activities and other exciting tasks, including the masked reader. 

There was a dinosaur on the loose during World Book Day!

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Celebrating reading and writing around school...

We start our writing journey in EYFS. This is where the fun begins ...


A brilliant start in our 2 year old provision 'Little Gems'

Take a look at us working hard in Nursery....

Nursery have been having lots of fun mark making, drawing and some children are beginning to write their names.

Children enjoying 'squiggle while you wiggle' time.

There's lots of fun to be had in Reception. Take a look at our writing activities....

Library Time!

The Reception children enjoyed a visit to our library.

We listened to the story of The Tempest by William Shakespeare and recreated the storm and the shipwreck. Some of us drew pictures of our ship too. 

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Writing captions

We are so proud of our amazing work in Key Stage 1.

Look at the lovely work we do in the Key Stage 1 Bases.

Take a look at our Literacy work in Year 1!

Look at our work so far this year.

Some examples of our cross-curricular writing...

Take a look at some of the work we have produced in Year 2.

What do Year 2 think about Literacy?


I like literacy because I enjoyed writing non- fiction texts. I like finding out about new things. I enjoy reading but I find it a bit tricky- I know that practising will help me get better- Ava P


I like to write stories because I find it interesting. It keeps my mind busy and I get to use my imagination, which is a lot of fun. Everything is fun! Seb M



We enjoyed drama! We explored a desert island and then found there was something wrong with our boats so we were stuck! Dun....dun...duuuun....

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Look at our fabulous work so far this year.

Take a look at some of our cross-curricular writing

We are very proud of our work in Key stage 2!

Key Stage 2 Base


What do the key stage 2 base think about literacy?


I liked reading Alan's big scary teeth because I enjoyed pretending to be Alan in drama- Kai L


Reading is my favourite because you get to learn new words- Vanille


In Literacy, you get to learn about new things, especially when you read. I like writing my own versions of stories I read -Jake

We work extremely hard in the Key Stage 2 base. Look at our fabulous work....

We have been very busy and had lots of fun in Year 3...

What do year 3 think about Literacy?

My favourite part of Literacy is writing and I love reading too. It's a really important subject to help you get a good job- Emilie H

Literacy is awesome because everything we do is fun! My favourite thing is writing poems and stories- Runa T

We experienced a 'word carpet' and were transported into the world of 'The Iron Man'. We guided our partners sensibly around the room and could hear sounds and words. It really helped our writing!

Enjoying story time...

Look at our work so far this year.

Some of our cross-curricular writing so far 

Take a look at our magical work in Year 4


What do year 4 think about Literacy?

I really like SPaG, particularly putting new learning into action- like today.... we learned about prepositions of time and place and then used them in our own sentences- Evie T


I like imagining and creating new things in my writing. I can create new worlds, anything is possible!

 I know from Miss Bratton and my success criteria that I am doing a good job- Oliver D


I like making up stories and drawing pictures to go with them. I want to be an illustrator because I love drawing- Sadiya


I love that I can be creative and write funny pieces. I love to write at home too! Freya


I love reading independently and I like sharing stories at home. I love snuggling in to my mam and taking turns reading 'Big Bear, Little Bear' Niamh

Our cross-curricular writing so far

We have learned so many skills in Year 5...

What do Year 5 think about Literacy?


I would love to be a published author one day. Since I started my writing journey in Nursery, I have gained lots of new skills. I think writing is lots of fun and it helps in lots of ways- Paige


I love reading! At the moment I am reading a book by David Attenborough Dynasties and it's very interesting. I do love non-fiction because I learn about the world- Ava De


I like reading and writing. I know I need to make sure I haven't made any mistakes. At home I make success criteria like we have at school to help me when I am writing for fun- Jayden


I like reading to find out new information. Reading can take me to new places in my mind- Harley N


Look at our work so far.

Take a look at what we have been up to in Year 6!

What do Year 6 think about Literacy?


I like handwriting sessions because I can see improvements and feel successful- Louca


I like writing because I feel as though I am in my writing. I can go on adventures and to places I've never been before, using my imagination- Jemima


I like reading because I can sit down and relax while reading my book and I feel like I'm in the story- Ruby 


I have learned about different devices and techniques used in newspaper reports and I enjoy applying my learning in my writing- Jessica


I enjoy reading non- fiction books to find out about the world. I am currently enjoying reading 'Himalayas- Bottom to Top' Liam

Look at our amazing work so far.
