As part of Kingsley School we all follow a special Code of Conduct so we can achieve our full potential!
Staff at school will:
- Treat pupils with respect
- Know their children and know their names
- Have high expectations of themselves and their pupils
- Model good behaviour
- Teach and promote social and emotional aspects of learning
- Investigate incidents carefully and promptly listening to both sides
- Ensure the classroom and other areas of the school provide a safe and attractive learning environment.
- Prepare lessons carefully to meet the needs and abilities of all pupils
- Let you know how your child is doing at school, at work and at play
- Involve pupils in deciding the class and school rules
- Work with families and other agencies to ensure smooth transition
Children will:
- Arrive at school in good time
- Treat adults and other pupils with respect
- Work hard in class and allow others to work
- Respect and follow the agreed class and school rules
- Look after other people in the school
- Report bullying or any accident or other incident
- Look after the school equipment
Family Will:
- Ensure their child arrives in good time and with the correct clothing and equipment
- Ensure that on school days children have had a good nights sleep and have eaten breakfast
- Treat school staff and other school families with respect
- Let the school know if and why their child is not at school today
- Model good behaviour to their children particularly around the school site.
- Respect the school and class rules
- Park appropriately and encourage safe use of the school crossing patrol
- Attend parents' evenings and discussions about my child's progress
- Notify the school of their child's needs
The code of conduct for visitors, contractors and volunteers can be found in the 'Visitors to our School' section on the website.