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RE Displays around school

There is a wide variety of displays on RE across the school which is lovely to see. There is some on events and festivals from Early Years and the SEN Bases. Others across the school show a variety of religions including Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity and Bible Stories and Signs and Symbols.

Year 6 have recently finished their topic on rituals and why some people use rituals today. They have completed some very lengthy and informative work about this, click on the picture to make it bigger!  

Year 5 have just finished their topics on what Christians believe about God and why the Last Supper is so important to Christians.

They have just started their new topic on Islam. They will be thinking about- How Muslims shows their faith through actions. They been shown a great interest in this topic and have raised lots of questions that they would like to find out over the next few weeks.

Year 4 have been looking at the significance of Lent to Christians. They learnt lots about lent and then focused on the significance and what happens on Ash Wednesday.

They leant about what some Christians use stained-glass windows for during Lent and then painted lots of very colourful stained-glass windows.

Year 3 have been looking at signs and symbols. They created a symbol that represented themselves and explained why. They have also been looking at hymns, the meaning behind them, and why Christians use hymns.

In Year 2 they were answering Why is the Bible special to Christians and how Christians celebrate Easter.

Year 2 have started their summer term topic by thinking about what it means to ‘belong’ to something. Their drawings are amazing!

Year 1

During the spring term Year 1 were learning about why is Jesus special to Christians and the Easter story. They have done some fantastic writing and were great and remembering lots of detail/key events in the Easter story.

RE displays around the school

We have taken another look around school and found lots of new displays in classrooms and corridors from the RE curriculum. There are some bright and colourful displays on festivals and celebrations from Early Years and our KS1 base. There are some lovely displays based on Christian beliefs from Key Stage 1. Then in Key Stage 2 we found some intriguing displays on Sikhism, Islam and rituals and religion. 

Photos of RE displays

Look at our amazing RE displays around school. We have been working hard and we follow the Hartlepool RE Syllabus 2020. 

Assemblies and Visitors

Reverend Norman Shave, a vicar from Stranton Church, visited our school. He lead an assembly with the Year 1 children. Norman and his wife, Julie, told us the story of the Lost Sheep. It teaches us that everyone is important and that we should care for everyone.

Year 1

Year 1 children have been learning about Christianity this term. Their question was "What can we learn about Christianity from visiting a church?" Look at their amazing work.

These are some photos of the inside of Stranton Church.

Year 2

In Year 2, the children have been learning about Hinduism and how Hindus celebrate Divali. They made some lovely diva lamps and learnt about the Hindu temple.  

Year 3

The children in Year 3 have been learning about Sikhs. They looked at "What do Sikhs believe about God?" and "Why are the Gurus inspirational to Sikhs?" Look at some of their amazing work. 

Year 4

Year 4 children have been learning about the Bible. Their work was based on the question "What do we know about the Bible and why is is important to Christians?" They have worked hard to produce some lovely work. 

Year 5

In Year 5, they have been learning about Muslims. The questions were "What do Muslims believe about God?", "Why is Muhammed important to Muslims?" and "Why do Muslims go to the Mosque?"

Year 6

Year 6 children have been learning about rituals and "Why do people use rituals today?" They have learned what rituals are and how different religions have different rituals. 

Key Stage 1 Base

The children in the Key Stage 1 Base have been finding out about the Christmas Story. They have used artefacts to help them tell the story of Christmas. 

Key Stage 2 Base

In the Key Stage 2 Base, the children have been learning about Hinduism. They have looked at the Hindu celebration, the story of Rama and Sita, and they have made diva lamps. 

