Home Page


From the Head Teacher, Mrs Darby.


Welcome to Kingsley Primary School!

We are really pleased that you have taken the time and effort to find us.

Our Values and Ethos
At Kingsley, children are at the heart of all we do.
All staff  play a crucial role in ensuring all children remain at the centre of our education.


Our Values are:
·      To treat everyone as an equal.
·      To provide a safe and secure environment.
·      To ensure every child achieves their full potential whilst in our care.
·      To learn respect for others, good manners, courtesy and display appropriate behaviour at all               times.
·      To provide an education which is enjoyable, creative, of high quality and provides children 

        with the skills to succeed in modern Britain.

·      To build positive relationships with adults and peers.
·      To ensure all children achieve regardless of their background, race or disability.

Our aims are:
·       To ensure our children remain at the heart of all we do.
·       To do everything within our power to ensure each individual child achieves their full potential.
·       To be a fully inclusive school and promote equality for all.
·       To actively promote self-confidence and build self-esteem
·       To provide a cost effective, broad and balanced education for all.
·       To widen our children’s experiences beyond the local community. ( globally, locally, nationally )
·       To prepare children for the future and teach them the skills they need to succeed to live in                 modern Britain today.
·       To ensure our children adopt a positive attitude to behaviour for learning.
·       To develop rounded, well balanced children who appreciate and have empathy for others.
·       To ensure we safeguard all pupils to keep them safe and at risk from harm.
·       To treat all children as equals regardless of their gender, race or disability.
·       To provide a rich curriculum of experiences for all children.
·       To provide an effective, rigorous systems of tracking and monitoring to enable all children to              achieve.
·       To provide experiences which promote and highlight citizenship, good health, sustainability,                social, moral, emotional and cultural learning to ensure the promotion of British values.
·       To provide training and CPD for staff to develop and succeed and have impact upon the                        teaching and learning.


Our school context

We believe we are a unique and special place. We are a two-form entry, fully inclusive school which has a significantly above average SEND population. We have approximately 400 children in main school and a 39 place nursery. We have 50 additionally resourced places - 25 for high/complex needs and 25 for ASD/ social, communication and interaction difficulties. In addition to this, we have 73 children on our SEND register with varying complexities of need. Provision across school includes 3 SEND bases (35 children) as well as high numbers of pupils with SEND in mainstream classes.


The majority of the time in our school you will see:

  • Happy, kind, respectful children who accept differences of all kinds
  • A warm, rich environment which celebrates our curriculum and achievements
  • Mutually supportive and respectful relationships
  • Staff working tirelessly to support children and each other
  • Confident, resilient and hardworking pupils who adopt a growth mindset
  • A broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum which is individualised, where appropriate, to ensure every child can reach their full potential
  • Children with a wide variety of needs being included in mainstream classrooms
  • A vast range of enrichment and personal development opportunities


However, sometimes you might also see:

  • Children accessing calm areas or an alternative curriculum dependent on need
  • Dysregulated children displaying extreme behaviours and adults using skills and techniques to de-escalate
  • Environments being temporarily adjusted to meet individual needs.


You will never see:

  • Staff giving up – there is always a solution!
  • Children being excluded or sent home


This is because of our uniqueness. We firmly believe this is what makes us special. We ensure every child has the opportunity to be part of our community.

Our children grow-up with difference – they acknowledge difference; accept and respect difference; support difference; question and respect each other.

These are invaluable skills to produce the kind, accepting adults of the future.



Please enjoy looking through our website to see more of what we offer. If you have any questions or require any further information, then give us a call or arrange a visit. 
