Year 1 have used sorting and classifying when learning about Animals Including Humans.
Autumn said she sorted some of the animals by looking at whether they had fins or not.
Year 2 enjoyed exploring the minibeast area of our school grounds during their Living Things and their Habitats topic.
Emily enjoyed counting some of the different species she found and was proud of the tally chart she produced to show her findings.
Phoebe said she liked finding out about why the animals lived in these habitats.
The children also learned about food chains and Bella found this particularly interesting!
Year 3 have been learning about plants.
Isabel was very proud of her new learning about seed dispersal.
Year 4 have been learning about sound.
Cole was proud of his work on investigating the most effective material to make ear defenders. He said it wasn't an easy task as he had to listen extremely carefully to make his judgements.
Year 5 have enjoyed learning about the different properties of materials.
Macie said she was really excited to see which materials conducted the most electricity and make comparisons to the ones that didn’t. She like using cubes to represent the energy transfer model and then writing her thoughts and ideas linked to the investigation.
Year 6 have been investigating Electricity.
They were proud of their problem solving skills to determine whether the given circuits would light. They also planned and carried out their own investigations.