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Home Learning

It is an expectation of both school and the government that all children should be accessing daily home learning. Here at Kingsley we are using Goggle Classrooms. The policy, parent’s information, log in details and help sheet links are below. 


As a school, our aim to ensure all children have access to internet connection and a device. If you need any help or support, please speak to the school. 


It is an expectation that children will complete are least 3 hours of learning each day using Google Classrooms. This to consist of an English and Maths lesson every day and at least one additional foundation subject. 


Work can be uploaded and/or handed in to the teacher on Google classrooms and will be marked and returned to each child. Teachers can help with any work through the message system or via email. 

If you, or your child requires any help or support you can email their class teacher or ring school to speak directly to the teacher, team leader or leadership member who will be happy to help. 


Thank you for your continued support. 

How to upload a video to Google Classrooms

Still image for this video
If you are struggling to upload images and attach them to assignments, please watch this video tutorial to show you how to do this. Don't forget to click hand in once you have uploaded your image or video.