King Charles III Coronation Celebrations
On Friday 5th May the whole school celebrated the Kings' Coronation.
We dressed in red, white and blue, sang the National Anthem and had our photograph taken in the shape of a crown. We also completed activities in our classrooms linked to the coronation.
Kingsley Primary School have been part of the Queen Elizabeth II Tree Planting Memorial project.
Maymuna, Jemima, Frankie and Sebastian went to Summerhill on Tuesday 14th March and, along with 17 other schools planted trees in a memorial garden.
Maymuna was also chosen to read out her acrostic poem.
On Monday 13th March, the choir sang outside the Civic Centre, Hartlepool to commemorate ‘Commonwealth Day’. They sang hymns and the National Anthem. The Mayor raised the Commonwealth Flag.
We all responded to the Affirmation – ‘We affirm our belief in the Commonwealth as a powerful influence for good in the world. And pledge ourselves to its service, now and for the future.’
In Year 1 and Reception, Personal and Social Values were also recognised as part of our British Values.
Year 3 have been talking about TOLERANCE.
Thoughts and feelings were shared on what Tolerance means to them and what Tolerant Behaviour looks like.
Here are some photos and children’s thoughts on the subject:
Tolerance is listening to and accepting people's beliefs even though you don't believe in it. - Samuel
Tolerance is always being kind - Charlie
Tolerance is kindness, listening to others and understanding - Billy
Tolerance does not mean you have to like someone but you should still be kind - Milly-Sophia
We had a special visitor come to our school and see us in year 3- PCSO MARK SAY
We asked lots of questions, tried on some of his uniform and found out some shocking facts.
Hoax calls
From 01 June 2018 to 31 May 2019 – 657 hoax calls in CLEVELAND
294 hoax calls from 01 January 2019 – 31 May 2019 for an average of 2 calls per day
In year 4 we were looking at the meaning of life. The children thought about what life means for them - we discussed ideas individually and then as groups. After that, we shared with the class and I asked the question, 'Why do we have different thoughts and opinions about that question?'. They responded with saying key words/phrases such as: unique, different, not all the same. I then discussed being tolerant of other people's beliefs and asked what this meant. Some children responded to say that we are all different and that that is ok. At the end of the lesson we discussed positive thinking and how to encourage others to reach their dreams. We recorded ideas on post it notes and shared them as a class.
Mr Henderson
In Year 5 we have been playing a game about what gives us our own identities and having discussions about what is most important to us (e.g. kindness, ambition).
On Thursday 21st September we had a very special visitor. The Mayor, Worshipful Paul Beck, came to our school for a ceremonial visit and the children were very excited to see him.
He came to Kingsley because
"Young children are the future of the town, community comes first and we live in a fantastic town." (The Mayor, Paul Beck)
The Mayor, Worshipful Paul Beck, was accompanied by his Chauffeur Attendant on his visit and they brought the Hartlepool Mace along with them so the children could see what it was and ask a few questions about it.
We learned that the mace was a gift from Robert Ropner in 1887 and was given to Sir William Gray. It has a royal coat of arms embossed on it, an image of St Hilda and is always carried on the right shoulder. We also know it weighs 10kg and is 1m and 10cm long!
The children had some fabulous questions for our Mayor...
Is it hard being a Mayor? - Evie
It can be very tiring but it is very worth while.
What's the best thing about being a Mayor? - Leon
Visiting our schools, children and people
Why do you carry the mace? - Seth
To show respect for the monarch.
Year 3 have done lots of work around British Values recently. Look at their lovely display!
They have been learning about Christian symbols, the values of different communities and even about bullying and how people feel when they have been bullied.
Sophia made up a poem about respect and the value of respecting others in school.
The children created posters about British Values and what it is we value in school. These are now on display in our classroom.
Some of the children from our Choir had a fabulous time singing at a flag raising ceremony to mark Commonwealth day!
In Year 2, we have been sharing our own special books and learning about the bible being special to Christians.
In Year 4, we looked at the different aspects of British Values in order to gain an understanding of the overall meaning.