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Key Stage 2 base

Welcome to the Key Stage 2 Base 

From Mrs Worth

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Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Our comic strips tell the story of the dragon's life, including why he is scared of mice!

Dragon list poems


We had a fantastic time taking part in dance sessions with a specialist teacher.  Our favourite was the Toy Story dance where we all got perform as our favourite character from the film. 


We bake every week in the KS2 Base.  We are good at measuring correctly and working together to make something delicious for snack-time. 

Safer Internet Day 

For Safer Internet Day we learned about technology and how it had changed.  We watched some videos and had some discussions about how we can stay safe online then we answered some questions about what we found out. 

R.E Hinduism

We learned about how Hindus worship at home and how the senses are used during worship. By exploring objects used in Puja, we are beginning to understand their significance for Hindus. 

We learned about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot then used different techniques and materials to  create  some beautiful firework art. 

We discussed bullying and who we can talk to if we are being bullied.  We completed some work on how we are all different and about feelings connected to bullying.

After learning about how and why Remembrance Day is observed, we chose from lots of different materials and used a range of techniques to create our poppies. 

Wearing bright clothes for Blue Monday.

Receiving a letter from Hogwarts in Literacy.

Making Paul Klee inspired Castle and Sun pictures.

We found out about the artist Paul Klee and looked at his famous picture Castle and Sun.  We didn’t know what it was at first, but we looked carefully at the shapes and colours.  Using different sized rectangles, squares, triangles and circles to draw around, we were able to build our own Castle and Sun pictures.  It was important to draw carefully around the shapes, then we filled them in using oil-based pastels to complete our beautiful pictures.


Preparing the ground ready to plant our seeds. 

We have been learning about China in our Topic work.  Here we are making dragons, designing and making 

lanterns for Chinese New Year and designing traditional Chinese clothes. 

Firework art using chalk.

Painting pumpkins for Halloween.

Working on our ball skills.

World Book Day 2022. We loved getting dressed up and talking about our favourite books.

We love to share stories together.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory writing in Literacy: character descriptions, designing a golden ticket, designing and making a cake for our character and writing a recount. 


Creating a superhero and writing a comic strip.

Investigating properties of materials in science.

Fun with Maths: using positional language, number bonds, doubling, symmetry, time, biggest and smallest, full and half turns, shape and number work.  We enjoy Maths! 

We investigated different materials to see if they were waterproof.  We took care to make sure it was a fair test. 

Here are our predictions and results.

We also learned about healthy eating,  we tried different fruits and vegetables, designed healthy meals and discussed healthy habits.

Our current science topic is seasonal change.  We enjoyed our walk looking for signs of Spring. 

Doing the Daily Mile helps to keep us fit and focused.

We have done a lot of learning in R.E. this year.  We know about the Hindu home shrine and described our special places at home.  We know the story of Rama and Sita and how Hindus celebrate Diwali.

We know why light is an important symbol for Christians at Christmas.  We explained how light makes us feel.  We made christingles and advent rings and we retold the Nativity story.

We have learned about what different people believe about how the world was created.



We know why light is an important symbol for Christians at Christmas. We explained how light makes us feel.  We made christingles and advent rings and we retold the Nativity story.

Artwork inspired by the Aboriginal creation story. 

We used a range of materials to create symbols for Yin and Yang to create a display showing a Chinese creation story.

We are learning about Easter and why it is so important for Christians. 

We have learned about the Great Fire of London in topic work.

Finding out about Hartlepool past and present during local history week.

Our work in P.S.H.E. We have been learning about where money comes from, wants and needs and how to keep money safe.   Can you guess the jobs we were acting in our role play? 

KS2 Base enjoying developing fine and gross motor skills in O.T.

Games with the parachute. 

Look at some of the fun things we got up to last year. 

In Science we planted radishes and peas. We looked after them inside until they were big enough then planted them outside  We made a plant diary to record the growth of their plants and observe how they changed.

The children had a fantastic Sports Day this year and took part in a range of exciting games. Everyone had lots of fun and all the children enjoyed an ice pop after all their hard work. 

In our topic work we learned all about rainforests.  We know where rainforests are in the world and what their features are.  

We spent lots of time learning about the different layers of the rainforest, which animals live in each layer and why.

We have also written some fantastic descriptions of African animals in our literacy topic. 

In P.E., the children completed a range of activities which were organised by a specialist PE Teacher from Dyke House School. They really enjoyed these lessons, had lots of fun with all the games and developed their skills. 

World Book Day 2021

The Lion Hunt

We enjoyed sharing 'We're Going on a Lion Hunt' in Literacy and were able to make up our own actions to go with the story. This helped us to memorise some of the words.  We also created amazing story maps to help us sequence and write a retell of the story.  

Snowmen Writing ICT Skills

In Literacy we completed some fantastic writing about some friendly snowmen.  We then used the skills we have been learning in computing to type our work onto these lovely snowflake templates..

We had a great time at our Christmas party.  We played lots of games, ate some party food and decorated Christmas biscuits.  We even had a visit from Santa! 

KS2 Base Christmas party

Remembrance Day

KS2 Base enjoying Halloween crafts

We explored a range of Quentin Blake books in Literacy and then the Children had to choose there favorite book and create a book review on there favorite story. 

Our first Literacy topic of the Autumn term was Alice and Wonderland. The children did some fantastic work on character descriptions of Alice and descriptions of some of the amazing settings in Wonderland. 

KS2 Base enjoying World Book Day.
