To mark Armistice Day, we held a whole-school reflection together to remember those who have made sacrifices for our liberty. Mr Fear paid an amazing tribute by playing The Last Post whilst we held our two minute silence. We have held assemblies in our classes and created some amazing displays and work to show off our understanding of this significant point in History.
In assembly this week we explored St. George's Day. Our amazing Y4s acted out the famous slaying of the dragon from George's perspective. This made us all reflect on what challenges we face and how we could overcome them!
To kickstart our Summer History lessons we explored our new enquiry questions through the use of virtual realty headsets. We leapt back in time and explored what life was like in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. It was was fun to make comparisons between life then and now. We even recognised how some of the achievements from those ancient times have impacted us in the modern day.
Y3 Exploring Anicent Greece
"My favourite piece of work was when we collected lots of information about the Mayans. I enjoyed using different sources and presenting it in a beautiful way." Elizabeth Y6
“I liked doing the posters and enjoyed it when the visitors came in from the Art Gallery. I liked it when we had to make the predictions about the portrait of Ralph Ward Jackson. I now know that he was born in 1806 and died in 1880 after we made a timeline in class.” Millie Y3
What does History mean? “It means it’s in the past”. What was your favourite thing to learn in History this year? “Learning about past and present and dressing up in old white clothes. They had bicycles”. Alfred Y1
As part of our Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations, each cohort had a key enquiry to look into an aspect of our Queen's life. We have showcased our findings in the hall to help everyone else further their understanding. Take a look at what we have produced - we are relly proud of our work!
Year 6 have explored various Mayan artefacts, Ancient Maya rituals and produced a timeline of the ancient ages, forming comparisons over time.
Year 5 have been synthesising different sources of information to compare empires throughout the ages. Pupils have produced some excellent leaflets to inform us of how Ancient Egypt has influenced modern society.
Year 4 have used sources to form conclusions about the Roman Empire and produced some excellent PowerPoint presentations to show off their findings. They enjoyed sequencing the main Roman achievements and placed them on timelines.
Year 3 have began learning about prehistory, the study of history before records began. They have used timelines to support their understanding of the Stone Age - Iron Ages. They have used different sources to compare daily life throughout these time periods and formed opinions about the greatest achievements of prehistory humans.
Year 2 have linked their local history topic of the Trincomalee to observing how other forms of transport have changed over time. Next they have been researching different types of explorers and focused on a local explorer, Captain James Cook. Take a look at what they found out!
Year 1 have observed changes over time and chronologically ordered the human lifecycle.
As a school, we have been learning about the significance of Remembrance Day. We were lucky enough to tune into a webinar held by an enthusiastic local historian who reminded us why we remember.
KS1 children learnt about:
What Remembrance is,
Why we remember,
How soldiers were honoured after WW1,
How soldiers of all conflicts are honoured today.
KS2 children learnt about:
The key events that led up to WW1,
Scenarios faced by WW1 soldiers,
Why we remember.
Here are some quotes from a selection of pupils we spoke to after the webinar:
“The webinar made me want to ask questions like: how many people fought in the war?” - Alex B
“I really enjoyed hearing about the stories from the war. I want to ask my family what they know.” - Ethan D
“I now know there is 4 types of poppies that symbolise different things.” - Isaac C
“The white poppy symbolises peace and I liked how the purple poppy remembers animals who helped in the war.” - Ava DB
"The Remembrance Day webinar was very good because it made us realise how important the events of the war were and the importance of remembering those involved in conflict, both in the past and today" - Ava D
"I enjoyed the Remembrance Day webinar because it was very informative and helped me to understand the importance of Remembrance Day" - Ruby S
"I learned how long WWI lasted and how the series of events linked" - Joseph C
"I liked that the webinar explained how both WWI and WWII started" - Ava S
"The Remembrance Day webinar made me think about the determination of the soldiers and how much they were willing to do to achieve what their country wanted" - Paige M
Y6 thought about some of the most important or significant messages to us (something new that we learned; something that made us understand more about the day or something that made us realise the impact or scale of the war) and created poppies to represent these.
Take a look at the hard work our classes have been putting into showing off their knowledge and understanding of key historical topics. Children have been using different sources to infer new ideas, compare events and develop an understanding of chronology.
In History we have been learning about World War 2. We have done lots of cross-curricular work; we have explored what it would be like to be evacuated using drama, wrote WW2 themed stories and letters as if we were an evacuee in Literacy and have explored light and dark and simple sketching techniques in art. We have looked at the timeline of key events in WW2 and have looked at some artefacts related to WW2. Here are some photographs of our work.
During Local History Week we looked the life of Ralph Ward Jackson and what he did for the town of Hartlepool. We have created a display in the classroom with some of the work that we did.
Local History Week KS1 Sharing Assembly
Year 2 have been looking at fire brigades in 1666. We discussed methods that may have been used to put out a fire. All we had to solve our problem was a single bucket. We worked as a team to find the quickest way to pass the bucket along everyone and extinguish the fire.
Year 1 have been learning about Castles. They recently visited Durham Castle. The children enjoy finding out lots of interesting facts about the castles history. They enjoyed making their own castle out of cardboard boxes.
Year 2 have been learning about Captain Cook’s explorations this term and know he discovered Australia in 1770. They have also looked at what life may have been like for a sailor on board Cook’s ship and how they may have felt during these voyages. Here are some photographs of the children during a hot seating activity where they put themselves in the shoes of a crew member who had found a new land. We had some brilliant answers to explain how they may have felt such as excited, terrified, anxious, scared, nervous and delighted. Everyone tried really hard to get into role and even gave the opposing viewpoints of a sailor and a native!
As part of their Egypt topic, Year 5 came up with their own questions from evaluating different sources of information. From this, they came to some conclusions about what some of the greatest achievements were for the Egyptians and how they have impacted on the modern day.
During Year 4's Roman topic, the children created these two amazing displays which showcase what they have learned. They have made comparisons between periods of time they already know about and demonstrated understanding about the key events of Roman rule.
In Year 3, the children started their WW2 topic off by discussing what they already knew and created a list of questions together that they wanted to find out more about.
Year three pupils have plotted events on a timeline accurately and have began to explain scales of time that have passed. Take a look at this fantastic timeline with explanations below.
During Local History Week, Year 3 looked at where their house would have been 100 years ago. They had some interesting findings. Here are some examples of their artwork to show off the differences in time and the comparisons that they have made.
Year 2 visited the Historic Quay to learn about life on board ships. They started their day by learning how to tie rope, decode messages and using sailors' bowls and cutlery. On the afternoon, the children had a tour of the HMS Trincomalee and even had a turn at turning the wheel! Children will be writing a recount of their trip in Literacy this week.
Year 3 have been learning about World War 2 in topic. they have learned about Anderson shelters and what it was like for children who have been evacuated. Here they are listening to the air raid siren going off, they all hid under tables imagining what it would have been like waiting in an Anderson shelter whilst hearing the war outside.
Year 1 have been learning about George Stephenson. They recently visited the Railway Museum in Shildon. The children were very excited to see all the old trains and carriages. They enjoyed dressing up, learning about the Stockton to Darlington railway and lots more interesting facts about George Stephenson.
"I loved looking at the inside of the train."
"I liked waving the flag and pretending I could see the Locomotion one" Eve
Year 5 have been doing some cross curricular Numeracy and History and solved problems about area and perimeter with the Roman Army.
Poppy day remembrance celebration.
To mark the centenary of the beginning of World War One, Kingsley held an extra special assembly on Remembrance day this year.
Each year group created poppies adn together we made a poppy garden. Each child made a special effort to think about and remember those soldiers who gave their lives in World War One. We shared a 2 minutes silence and listened to poetry read by children from year 2 and year 6.
It was a very special morning for all of us - here are some photographs to share.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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