Kingsley Primary School has two SEND Base teaching environments with a full time teacher in each and a team of teaching assistants ensuring that pupil/staff ratios are extremely high.
A small number of pupils throughout the school are taught within the SEND base areas for some of their lessons. There is a very individualised and set criteria for access to the SEND base area and this is led by the SENDCO and agreed with the senior leadership team. The SEND Base areas are used for a maximum of 10 pupils at any one time.
The decision for a pupil to be taught within the SEND base is discussed with parents by the SENDCO. Time taught in the base is variable between pupils and individualised timetables and curriculums are in place for all of the pupils ensuring that their full curriculum entitlement is provided. Throughout the year, continuous assessment takes place and pupil timetables then change accordingly ensuring that pupils are taught in the most appropriate environment. It is a school agreement that all pupils will spend some of the day in their mainstream classroom and that at least 2 curriculum areas are taught with their whole class peers. When pupils from the base access mainstream classroom lessons they are supported as necessary by teaching assistants from the base.