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A National Plan for Music Education

Tees Valley Music Service

We were visited by Mr Preston from TVMS, who gave a lovely demonstration of all of the brass instruments. Please look at the leaflet below for information on how to sign your child up for brass lessons.

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On Monday 13th March, the choir sang outside the Civic Centre, Hartlepool to commemorate ‘Commonwealth Day’. They sang hymns and the National Anthem. The Mayor raised the Commonwealth Flag.


We all responded to the Affirmation – ‘We affirm our belief in the Commonwealth as a powerful influence for good in the world. And pledge ourselves to its service, now and for the future.’

Here are some of our current music displays. Can you see some of the activities we have completed?

Some of our amazing music sessions

Year 2 have been learning about the beat. They listened to a variety of songs and clapped along to the beat. After, they worked with a partner to create their own beat and performed to the rest of the class.

Year 1 and 2 were very lucky to have been visited by Tees Valley Music Service to celebrate Make Music Day. They had lots of fun moving to music and performing a range of songs.

Our World Book Day Song

For World Book Day, each class in KS1 were given a song to learn linked to a story. Thank you to TVMS for providing the lyrics and song ideas- we all had lots of fun!


Miss Foster's Class

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Year 1

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Miss Spowart's Class

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Miss Roache's Class

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Nursery performed a dragon dance linked to Chinese New Year. They were able to respond and move to music in different ways.

The Dragon Dance

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The KS2 base have been linking their music lessons to the story 'The Little Acorn'. They had to identify the loud and quiet sounds and then used instruments to play along to the story.

The KS1 base have been playing percussion instruments along to Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf.


Here are some pictures of Reception children enjoying their music lessons. On Tuesday, Mrs Lucas had taught the children about piano and forte sounds and symbols. Today Georgia chose to practise these on her own at choosing time. She remembered what each symbol represented and also remembered that piano is a soft sound and forte is a loud sound.

Year 1 went on a listening walk and recognised different sounds and their sources. They have began to use a wider of range of musical vocabulary and used this to describe the sounds instruments make. Also, they began to discuss how music makes them feel and completed an evaluation of 'In the Hall of the Mountain King' by Greig.

Year 2 have been learning about rhythm patterns learning how to create their own stick notation. Also, we really enjoy singing in each of our lessons and have been learning to follow the pitch of the melody. In our books, we talked about dynamics and what can make soft or loud sounds. For Spring term, we have been listening to Planet Mars by Gustav Holst and discussed the dynamics and tempo. We are beginning to make our own composition about a planet we have created.  We are using crotchets, barred quavers and crotchet rests to help us compose.  If you composed music for a planet of your own what would it sound like?

Here is Year 2 singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' in parts. They tried really hard and we hope you enjoy!

Miss Spowart's Class

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Year 3 have been composing their own rhythms. They have been learning a range of musical symbols, specifically quavers and crochets. They then applied this to ICT and created their own rhythms electronically- well done! For the listening aspect of music, they listened to Dance of the Knights by Sergei Prokofiev and completed a reading comprehension about his life.

Here are Year 3 practising their singing skills!

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Jamie Blackwood has been taking small groups from each Year 3 class to learn the steel pan drums. Look below to see how hard they have been working.

Jamie and his small group

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In Year 4 we sang the song " Swing Low Sweet Chariot". First we practised singing in unison then we had a go at singing parts. It was very tricky to hold our own part at first but we soon got the hang of it. The parts created harmony too!

Year 5 have been listening to a range of high- quality live and recorded music.  They had to listen to and describe the dynamics and tempo of the different pieces of music. They also discussed the mood of the music and how it made them feel.

They have also linked their music lessons to space. Look below to see their fantastic posters about space sounds.
