ICT and Computing
ICT has become a fundamental aspect of life in recent years. All children come into contact with some form of digital technology each and every day. To respond to the rapidly computerised world we ensure that ICT is an integral part of school life. It is apparent in every aspect of the curriculum and is used as naturally as any other classroom resource.
ICT continues to be taught in all aspects of the curriculum and is used to enhance the experiences the children encounter in various areas of their school life.
Computing is a subject that takes a more in depth look at the practical understanding of computers and their systems while continuing to teach those ICT skills needed and ensure the children are digitally safe.
We believe that Computing at Kingsley will allow the children to become confident users of new technology. This will ready them for their future in a world where new technologies are created everyday.
Computing will explore a range of areas that the children will face in later life. Email, blogging, computer-aided design and other skills that we will cover, ensure that the children have an understanding of how to explore this media in a safe way. To ensure safety remains at the forefront of all of our minds at Kingsley, each year group will complete a Staying Safe Online topic in Autumn each year as well as regular class assemblies to discuss the importance if keeping ourselves and each other safe online.