Kingsley Primary School
Primary PE and Sport Premium Report – 2020 - 2021
Key achievements to date until July 2021 | Areas for further improvement and baseline of evidence need: |
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety. N.B Complete this section to your best ability. For example you might have practised safe self-rescue techniques on dry land which you can transfer to the pool when school swimming restarts. Due to exceptional circumstances priority should be given to ensuring that pupils can perform safe self rescue even if they do not fully meet the first two requirements of the NC programme of study | 41% | ||||
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? N.B. Even though your pupils may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving primary school at the end of the summer term 2021. Please see note above. | 41% | ||||
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]? Please see note above. | 41% | ||||
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? | 41% | ||||
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? | Yes | ||||
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
Develop afterschool sports clubs for every year group offering a wide variety of sports to increase participation | All children in each year group have the opportunity to attend an afterschool sports club. Children will be exposed to a wide range of different sports whilst also contributing to activities they would like to do. All of this is free of charge to parents. | 4 TAs to run - £2400 | Participation of after school club attendance has risen dramatically. Students have undertaken a range of sports therefore developing their range of skills and knowledge. Pupils have tried new sports for the first time widening their experience of physical activity. | To look at viability of running afterschool sports clubs in this manner for 21/22. | |
Engage children in meaningful activities during break and lunch times. | Each class to be given a ‘sports pack’ to take out at playtimes. | £1380 | Children engaging in more meaningful activities. More structured breaktimes. | Check stock levels to see what needs replenishing in next academic year. | |
Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
A ‘Be your Best’ initiative for every pupil in the school to take part in. To encourage pupils to engage in physical activity and for children to take ownership of improving their skills. | Time allocated by class teachers to go and practise chosen skills with focus on encouraging children to push themselves to ‘be their best’. | N/A | Children keep a log of their attempts half termly and records are showing an increase in the amount of each exercise they are able to do in a minute. | To look at a range of different exercises children can attempt in 21/22 to continue ‘be your best’. | |
Continue carrying out The Daily Mile with the emphasis on pupil health and wellbeing. | Each class to carry this out daily. | N/A | Children are timing their daily miles termly and results show they are improving each time. | Continue next academic year. Look at an app or way of timing and collating children’s results. | |
Promote teams, events and afterschool clubs in the school newsletter and on the school website. | PE team to include photos and write ups in newsletter and on website. | N/A | Parents and pupils are able to learn about the schools sporting successes and achievements. | Look at using other forms of communication to promote sports events and clubs. | |
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
To increase knowledge of effects of PE to help with the disruption of education and after effects of Coronavirus. | To attend/watch a selection of tailored workshops offered by YST. | £400 – SO & MS | Increased knowledge of effects and impact of Covid on children in order to develop PE Curriculum. | To discuss any relevant ideas and see how they could be implemented. | |
To improve and widen knowledge of dodgeball to enable staff to carry this game out in after school clubs. | To attend online course. | £20 – TB & RM | Dodgeball is now being played by all year groups in after school clubs. This is widening children’s experience and skills. | Dodgeball to continue to be played during afterschool clubs. To look at other training opportunities for sports clubs leaders to help expand the sports on offer. | |
To increase staff skills and confidence in delivering multi-skills. | Coach to attend school to upskill staff in teaching aspects of PE. | Fre | Kate Robinson attended school. Staff are using games and skills learnt in their own PE lessons. | Look at the different coaching services on offer and access when it is safe to do so. | |
PE leads to attend cluster and town meetings to keep up to date with local and national events and information. | PE Co-ordinators to liaise with cluster and town PE co-ordinators and feedback relevant information and participate in events. | N/A | PE Co-ordinator attend all meetings via zoom and carried out suggested activities (due to covid no competitions or face to face events were held) | To continue attending all cluster and town meetings. To participate in competitions and events that are held for the cluster. | |
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
To purchase stock for KS1 to allow them to participate in a wider range of sports. | A set of basketball posts at the appropriate height to be purchased. | £110 | KS1 Children were able to use these in afterschool clubs widening their skills and experience. | To continue using these in afterschool clubs. To look at utilising the posts during break times for the coming academic year. | |
Skipping coach for Y2, 3, 4 and 5 the year groups that would have accessed/missed out on skipping coaching and the competition due to Covid. | Skipping coach to attend and work with Y2, 3, 4 and 5. | £360 | Children have purchased skips and are using them on break times to hone the skills learnt. | To invite skipping coach into school next academic year and participate in the competition if it is safe to do so. | |
Top up swimming for Y6. | Year 6 children attended a block of swimming to achieve confidence and competency in the water. | £3000 | Children achieved/working towards NC objectives. | To look at previous swimming data to assess which year groups will need to attend further swimming lessons. | |
Specialist Table Tennis coach to come in. | Table Tennis coach to provide an afterschool club to Y6. | £200 | Increased participation in clubs for Y6. Children improved their skills and knowledge over the 5 weeks. | Continue in next academic year. | |
Dodgeball coach to come in to deliver sessions to Y6. | Each Y6 class to receive 2 sessions each. | N/A | Children exposed to a new sport with specialist coaches. Positive feedback received from both children and staff. | To look at inviting the dodgeball coach back next year. | |
Specialist Tennis coach to come in and deliver sessions to Y3. | Each Y3 class to receive 6 tennis sessions. | £300 | Children experienced a new sport and learnt new skills. Positive feedback was received from both children and staff. Some children went on to attend the local tennis club from these sessions.
| Continue in next academic year. | |
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
Introduce a competitive sports day in school. | Offer all children a chance to take part in competitive sports day but participation is voluntary. | £250 – medals | Developed children’s sportsmanship and resilience. | Meet with PE team once event is over to discuss any changes/likelihood of it continuing next year. | |
To attend cluster and town events. | Did not take place due to Covid. | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Academic Year: 2020 -2021 | ||
Amount carried over from 2019-2020 | £9400 | |
Amount allocated 2020-2021 | £19690 | |
Total | £29090 | |
Funding spent on: | Amount spent | Balance |
Swimming top up – Y6 | £3000 | £26,090 |
Summer after school club staffing | £2600 | £23,490 |
Mr Skippy | £360 | £23,130 |
Cluster competitions | £1050 | £22,080 |
Alan Hind Table Tennis Coach | £200 | £21,880 |
Tennis coach | £300 | £21,580 |
PE Co-ordinator CPD | £400 | £21,180 |
Dodgeball course | £40 (already accounted for in staffing) |
Medals for competitive sports day | £250 | £20,930 |
Dodge ball coach | Free |
Kate Robinson – multi skills coach | Free |
Basketball posts | £110 | £20,820 |
Sports Equipment | £537 | £20,283 |
Playground equipment | £843 | £19,440 |
Football tournament | £114 | £19,326 |
| Total: | £19,326 |