Key achievements to date until July 2023 | Areas for further improvement and baseline of evidence need: |
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.
| ||||
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?
| 55% | ||||
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke?
| 48% | ||||
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? | 48% | ||||
Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? | Yes | ||||
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
Develop afterschool sports clubs for every year group. Offering a wide variety of sports and changing the sports on offer termly to increase participation. | All children in each year group have the opportunity to attend an afterschool sports club. Children will be exposed to a wide range of different sports. All of this is free of charge to parents. | £5382.65 – staffing | Participation of after school club attendance has risen dramatically. Larger amount of children per club. Regular clubs available for KS1. Students have undertaken a range of sports therefore developing their range of skills and knowledge. Pupils have tried new sports for the first time widening their experience of physical activity. | To look at viability of running afterschool sports clubs in this manner for 22/23 To continue looking at different sports and activities that can be carried out as part of morning and afterschool clubs. To look at offering a wider range of clubs for KS1. | |
For children to engage in meaningful activities on break times and dinner times. To try new skills and practise existing skills. To have a range of equipment in PE lessons. | Equipment footballs, skips etc to enable children to take part in structured activities at breaktimes. To be able to play a wide range of sports/activities in PE lessons. | £2065 | Children engaging in more meaningful activities. More structured breaktimes. Children are able to practise skills and improve their knowledge. | Check stock levels to see what needs replenishing in next academic year. | |
Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
Continue carrying out The Daily Mile with the emphasis on pupil health and wellbeing. To encourage participation and teamwork different challenges will be rolled out whole school. | Each class to carry this out daily. To encourage participation and teamwork different challenges will be rolled out whole school. | N/A | Children are recording the amount of laps they do daily and collating them as a class to see which class is completing the termly challenges. Interest and excitement is raised in participating. Displays of challenges in corridors – children are eager to see where their class is and how far they have to go to complete the challenge. | Continue next academic year. Look at different challenges that can be rolled out trying to incorporate main countrywide and worldwide sports events to also increase children’s awareness and knowledge of outside events. | |
Promote teams, events and afterschool clubs in the school newsletter and on the school website. | PE team to include photos and write ups in newsletter and on website. | N/A | Parents and pupils are able to learn about the schools sporting successes and achievements. | Look at using other forms of communication to promote sports events and clubs. | |
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
PE leads to attend cluster and town meetings to keep up to date with local and national events and information. | PE Co-ordinators to liaise with cluster and town PE co-ordinators and feedback relevant information and participate in events. | N/A | Children are attending cluster, town and county final events. They are taking part in both competitive and non-competitive sports. | To continue attending all cluster and town meetings. To participate in competitions and events that are held for the cluster. | |
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
To increase the amount and variety of sports/activities offered in the curriculum. To increase children’s basic skills and knowledge. To increase the variety of sports clubs that can be offered. | Staff to carry out a wider range of games and activities within PE lessons. | £1500 | Children are learning new sports and games. There is more equipment for a wider range of children to be using at one time therefore increasing their active time. Specialised equipment for children who have additional needs and fine and gross motor skills allowing them to participate in a wider range of activities. | Check stock levels to see what needs replenishing in next academic year. | |
Skipping coach for Y2 & Y4 | Skipping coach to attend and work Y2 & Y4 children.
| £700 | Children experienced a specialist coach. They learnt new skills which they could then use during break times within school. Children attended town competition. | To invite skipping coach into school next academic year and participate in the competition. | |
Specialist Table Tennis coach to come in. | Table Tennis coach to provide an afterschool club to KS2 | £620 | Increased participation in the sport. Specialist skills and knowledge learnt and developed. | Continue in next academic year. | |
Specialist Tennis coach to come in and deliver sessions to Y3. | Each Y3 class to receive 6 tennis sessions. | £220 | Children experienced a new sport and learnt new skills. Positive feedback was received from both children and staff. Some children went on to attend the local tennis club from these sessions.
| Continue in next academic year. | |
Children to attend Hartlepool Gymnastics Club to receive training from coaches. | Each class in KS1 received 5 sessions. A mix of KS2 children received 1 session | £2900 | Children experienced quality gymnastics training and were able to have access to specialist equipment. | To look at viability of attending sessions next year. To use knowledge gained for use in gymnastics lessons in school. | |
Top up swimming | Year 5 children to attend swimming lessons. | £3339 | Children to have the opportunity to achieve Y6 swimming requirements. | To continue next year. | |
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport | |||||
Intent | Implementation – Actions to achieve | Funding Allocated | Evidence of Impact | Sustainability and suggested next steps | |
Competitive sports day to take place in school. | Offer all children a chance to take part in competitive sports day but participation is voluntary. | £190 - medals | Developed children’s sportsmanship and resilience. | Meet with PE team once event is over to discuss any changes/likelihood of it continuing next year. | |
Girls football tournament to promote girls football. | Girls in KS2 had the opportunity to take part in a competitive football tournament within school. | £100 – awards | Developed children’s resilience, sportsmanship and understanding of taking part in a competition. Increased confidence of children. | To look at continuing this event next year with scope for more schools to attend. | |
School football tournament | Offer all KS2 children a chance to take part in a football tournament. | £80 – Trophy and smaller awards. | Gave all children who wanted to a chance to participate in a competitive game of football. Developed children’s resilience, sportsmanship and understanding of taking part in a competition. | To look at continuing this event next year. Development for any other school tournaments. | |
Town wide football league competition for boys and girls. | Children from Y5/6 to attend league games. | £150 | Developed children’s sportsmanship, resilience and teamwork. Children enjoyed the experience of playing against children town wide. | Join up to league next year. | |
To attend cluster and town events. | To attend as many competitive and non-competitive events as possible taking a wide range of children from different year groups. | £1050 | Children from across school took part in events. Children got to experience playing and competing against a range of abilities of other children from throughout the town. Some children qualified for town and tees valley final events. | To attend events in the next academic year. | |
Amount allocated 22-23 | £19,690 |
Total spent 21-22 | £18,296.65 |
Total left | £1327.35 |