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Christmas Info

Dear Parents/Carers


It is great news that a vaccine is on the way and we might at some point, be able to return to more normal times. However, this is still a long way off and we need to continue our efforts to control the virus.


I am particularly concerned that we may have to isolate bubbles over the Christmas period, the last thing we want is to be phoning parents with the sad news that children have to isolate across Christmas.


In order to try and avoid this we are asking you to be extra careful in the run up to Christmas. Please follow all Tier 3 rules and reduce your risks as much as you can. From this week, we are into the period where any isolation would affect Christmas for families.


We do need to be clear that the relaxation of the rules and the mixing of 3 families over Christmas does not apply to anyone who is isolating.


For any children at home and isolating next week, there will be Christmas activities on the website/google classrooms for them to enjoy.




Once we finish school on 18th December any positive cases could still affect school bubbles. As a result we are asking that you continue to inform us of any positive test results up to and including 23rd December. It is important that we continue to inform children/staff who need to isolate in order that they can keep their loved ones safe.


Please use the emergency Covid phone number to let us know any positive results over the holidays. Up to and including 23rd December we will communicate these results and any necessary action to bubbles. From 24th December, you can leave a voicemail on the Covid phone or the school number as this will not affect bubbles and we will note for information only.


Please telephone/text 07714 518313 to report any positive results. The phone will be checked periodically and you will get a call back.


I really hope we do not have to isolate bubbles over Christmas and I am asking you to support us in this as much as you can.


Many thanks


Mrs Darby
