Important safeguarding information
We have been notified that a new Netflix series ’Squid Games’ is causing quite a buzz at moment and that some children have already been discussing it in school.
The series is Certified 15 and depicts sex scenes, nudity, extreme violence, self-harm, suicide, bad language. The series makes links to children’s playground games in an inappropriate way. The series has been referenced on Tiktok a lot too.
The advice given would not be any different to advice we would give about any other TV or film not suitable for children.
“If they are not of the age to meet the certification, then they shouldn’t really be watching that series/film”
We have attached the Netflix NOS parental guide along with some advice to check their parental settings on their children’s Netflix devices.
Top tips for parents/carers
- control what content your children can watch. Setting up a Netflix Kids experience profile means that children only have access to TV shows and movies which have been carefully selected for kids. The look and feel of the app is simpler and children can’t access any account settings
- If your child is a little older, parents can create a separate profile to their own and set a maturity rating that means children will see only TV shows and movies that t that rating. The three categories of rating for the UK are kids (all, U, PG), teens (12, Guidance, Teen) and adult (15, 18, mature, adult). You can also block specific TV shows and movies from individual proles which means they don’t show up in the browse or search results.
- parents can review the TV shows and films that have been watched on each profile under their account.
If your child seems upset or shocked by something (like squid games) they have seen or if you are concerned about anything they’ve viewed, try to talk to them about it and have an open and honest conversation to help understand any concerns.
- It’s important to keep your own account secure so that children can’t freely switch between profiles and potentially access more adult-themed content or change access levels.
Parents can set-up a Profile Lock PIN which means only they can access their own and everyone else's Netflix account.
- Given that Netflix doesn’t use 2-factor authentication, the need for a unique username and strong password is even more important. Try to use a different password to ones you’ve used before and use a mixture of numbers, letters (uppercase and lowercase) and symbols, with a minimum of 8 characters.
- Always log out when not using your account so that if your device is lost or stolen, your account remains inaccessible