Dear Children, Parents and Carers
Half term has finally arrived.
I want to start by saying a huge well done to everyone who has completed their work at home or in school during this difficult time.
Lots of you : parents and children—have logged onto Google classrooms, followed the lessons and completed the work. Everyone in school has loved seeing your fantastic work.
We appreciate how difficult it has been for some families to try and keep on track with all of the lessons and we are proud of everyone who has tried hard.
As it is now half term there will be no new learning uploaded and everyone can have a well deserved break.
New learning will begin on Monday 22nd
February, when school will reopen for those who are currently attending.
At the moment we do not know what the plans are for wider reopening other than the provisional date of 8th March. As soon as we know anymore we will be in touch.
Please follow the rules and stay safe over half term.
Thank you for your continued
Mrs Darby