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Parent Governor Vacancy

Dear Parent/Carer,


I am writing to inform you that we currently have a vacancy for two Parent Governors on our Governing Body.  Governors are asking for nomination forms from interested individuals, with parental responsibility for a child here at Kingsley, to be returned to school by the 5th February 2025.


Our Governing Body are looking for an individual that has an interest in the welfare of our students together with the time and willingness to be involved. Being a Governor requires the commitment of a significant amount of time and effort. Regular attendance at meetings of the Full Governing Body, committees and working groups, that take place during the day and not on an evening, is essential. Applicants should regard this when agreeing to serve on Kingsley’s Governing Body.


The Governing Body is responsible for the conduct of the school, promoting high standards and supporting the vision for the school without prejudice at all times. Governors should take every opportunity to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of the school.


Kingsley’s Governing Body is made up of Parent Governors, Staff Governor, LA Governor and Co-opted Governors. If you would be interested in joining our Governing Body Team, please see the nomination form with added information on how to apply below. Alternatively, a copy can be collected from the main school office.   


Please return forms to the school office by the 5th February at 12pm. Any forms received after this point will not be accepted.


Yours sincerely

Mrs Darby


Parent Governor Nomination Form
