Dear Parent/Carer,
Just as a reminder following on from the information sent out on the 26.02.21 Newsletter via the website and school app, please see below information regarding return for all children on Monday the 8th March 2021.
Dear Parents/Carers, I’m sure you will have heard the news that all children can return to school on Monday 8th March.
- We will return to the same arrangements that we had before Christmas
- Both gates will be open each morning from 8.30am-9.15am.
- Pick up times and places will be the same.
- We will continue to expect parents to wear face coverings on the yard.
- Children will return to their individual bubbles.
- School lunches will be available from Monday 8th March for all children who require one.
- Children will be expected to wear uniform as normal.
- Aftercare/Breakfast club will be available immediately for those children already registered (please only use the service if needed for work purposes)
If you require any information or have any questions please contact the school office.
Thank you for your support will look forward to seeing everyone on the 8th March.
Mrs Darby