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School Update - 22 May

Dear Parents,

I would like to give you a little more information regarding the reopening of our school. We have agreed, with the council and other schools in the town, that we will look at reopening no earlier than 8th June. We are expecting a government announcement during half term regarding the tests that need to be met for wider reopening. Once the conditions are right (no earlier than 8th June) we will begin, very gradually, offering places to the year groups specified by the government. In the first instance, we intend to offer places to year 6 pupils. Each parent must make their own decision on whether they would like their child to return to school.

After the half term, I will be in touch to tell you more of our plans and I will also explain - in detail - what school will be like for returning pupils. After half term, we will contact parents of year 6 pupils by telephone to ask for your decision. This will give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. We remain open for the children of key workers and vulnerable children. In the meantime please stay safe and try and have a relaxing half term.

Mrs Darby
