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Updated Closure Information

Dear Parents/Carers

Thank you for your patience while we deal with the new lockdown arrangements.  Everyone who  needed one should now have had a phone call back from staff within school.  If you are expecting a call and we have missed you, please call back tomorrow and we will get back to you.

Packs for home learning have been put together today and are available for collection from the school office tomorrow.  They include information re online learning and some paper resources.

E-mail contact with teachers continues to be available, we can also now provide some tuition for pupils who are struggling with aspects of the online teaching.  All of the information is in the packs.

We are still working on providing free school meals for pupils who are entitled and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements later this week.

If we can help with anything during lockdown, please get in touch with school and we will do our best.  I appreciate this is a difficult time for everyone but if we continue to work together and support each other we will get through it.

Mrs Darby
