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Sporting Clubs

At Kingsley, we run a number of different clubs outside of school to encourage the children to develop further physically, socially and mentally. Team sports encourage the children to think ahead, work as a team and learn to play sports they may have never experienced before.



**Important Message **

Completed consent forms must returned to the member of staff responsible for the club before your child attends. 


If you can't attend evening clubs, try and get your name down for our 8am morning sessions. Speak to a member of the PE team about further details. 

Come and take a look at some of the skills we have been learning in our after school clubs!


Winter Term

Boys Football (8am Morning session)

I've enjoyed playing games where we defend and score in multiple goals. I've learnt how to cross better and I am more accurate and stronger. 


Y6 Mixed Table Tennis

Harley- "We have learnt how to perform a backhand a lot easier. In enjoy beating others in the run around game."

KS2 Girls Football

Isla- Grace (Y5)- "We loved playing the reindeer game during Christmas. I have got a lot better at dribbling out of tackles"

Y3 and 4 Sports Hall Athletics

Cammie (Y3)- "I really enjoyed playing Christmas games, running through tunnels and throwing the heavy ball."


Noah (Y5)- "I enjoyed performing long jump and throwing the heavy ball."

Y5 and 6 Dodgeball

Oliver (Y5)- "I liked dodgeball because I love catching and throwing to beat my opposite player. I loved the competitive games, one been fireball."  

Y3 and 4 games club

Ariyana- "I liked how we played many different types of games. I learnt how to move quicker and communicate without speaking."

Indoor Hockey

Tag Rugby


I've enjoyed covering more badminton specific skills. Makes me feel more game ready. We learnt how to use a forehand and backhand properly. My stance is a lot better. 

Spring Term 

KS2 Tag Rugby 

Some fast feet on display from Nolan to beat the three defenders. 

Oliver P "I really enjoyed running and moving around with my friends!"

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Y5 Badminton 

The Y5 children loved their Badminton lessons that much, they decided to stay past 3:30 and show Mr Robinson their awesome skills.  

Willow "I thought it was really good how we did the activities with Vikki in the lessons and then we got time to practice our skills afterschool." 

KS2 Games Club

Mr Mathews and Mr Evans putting the KS2 games club to work. The children really showed their speed and team cohesion while passing the battens in their relay races. 

The children making the most of having their games club rained off!

Y6 Morning Table Tennis Club

Some of our wonderful Y6 children showing us that table tennis is not just a one table event. 


Y5 and 6 Football

A few examples of the hard work our boys put into improve their amazing football skills. Coming in at 8am in all weathers!

Autumn Term

Y6 Table Tennis Club

KS2 Dodgeball


We love to give equal opportunity to both boys and girls when it comes to all sports. Football, which is led by the amazing Mr Mathews, is our most popular sport and we offer the same amount of boys clubs as we do girls clubs. All football clubs start at 8am giving those children who have difficulty attending evening clubs, the opportunity to attend a club. 

Girls Football

Boys Football

Sports Hall Athletics 

Have a look at our KS2 children racing, ducking and diving in sports hall athletics. 

Year 3 and 4 Lacrosse Club

We like to offer our children a range of sports here at Kingsley. Check out some of our lower key stage 2 children getting stuck into Lacrosse. 

KS2 Hockey Club

In our after school Hockey Club we learned lots of new skills and some of us got to experience hockey for the first time! 

Morning Football Club

We have had a fantastic turn out on our morning football club in which children are learning skills and taking part in games. 


KS1 Games Club

Y3 and Y4 Tag Rugby Club

Y5 and 6 Morning Dodgeball Club

Y5 Morning Table Tennis Club

KS2 Games Club 

KS2 Netball Club



Summer Term Football

A great turn out from Year 4, 5 and 6 for out Summer Term football club utilizing our new pitch markings. The teams played a round robin league competing against each other twice.

It was great to see the super Year 6s up so early and practicing their football skills in the morning football session.



Have a look at KS2 while they enjoy busting some moves in DANCETASTIC.


"I really enjoyed learning the different dances and performing the different moves. We sometimes did group routines which was really fun even though we sometimes forgot the moves."- Grace, Year 3

DANCETASTIC Performance 1

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DANCETASTIC Performance 2

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"I really enjoyed it especially being with my friends . We have concentrated a lot to help us get better. Teams are split into two. You must throw the ball to hit someone on the other team then they are out. When someone catches a ball, they are out and someone else comes back off the bench. It's a really exciting game and it definitely keeps you fit because you are always moving. I learned that the more you move, the harder is is for the other person to get you out."- Joshua, Year 5


"I loved it! One of my favourite things is learning different ways to play Dodgeball eg: Spy and Doctor. I actually have learnt if you go to catch the ball but it bounces off your hand, you are only out if it hits the floor. Therefore if I catch it before it hits the ground, I am not out. My favourite session was when we did kids Vs teachers"- Connor, Year 6

KS2 Boys Football

Here' s a few snap shots from the KS2 boy's football. 


"I enjoyed lots about it especially if someone on the team scores because we celebrate by hugging and get really excited. I've learnt how to control the ball and look for a space to pass the ball to teammates. My favourite thing is to learn new skills and improve."- Toby, Year 4


"I learnt some new skills like Keepy Ups and Drag Backs. I can now do 16! I like the club because it's a challenge as I play with the older children. They are really helpful and teach me new skills."- Zac, Year 3

KS2 Table Tennis

Have a look at KS2 enjoying some lovely Table Tennis


"In Table Tennis, I enjoyed learning to serve and perform both backhand and forehand shots. We rallied in single games and double games. My favourite thing was playing with friends and helping each other get better."- Aisyah, Year 6.

KS2 Tag Rugby

Even when it's raining, Mr Mathews and Mr Robinson will get the children thinking. Check out the KS2 Tag Rugby Club performing some challenging trick shots with a slightly different size and shaped ball!
