Welcome to Year 2
Miss Spowart and Mr Fear
The topics we cover this year are:
Land Ahoy!
The Great Fire of London
Look below to see some of things we have been up to!
PE Kits
Please make sure your child has a PE kit that remains in school for the whole half term. There is no set day for PE this term as it can sometimes be based on the weather.
Our email address is: year2@kingsleyschool.org.uk.
This is checked regularly however, if you need to speak to a member of staff as a matter of urgency, please either speak to a member of the leadership team on the gate on a morning or ring the school office.
Here are our curriculum jigsaws for 2024-2025.
If you require any additional information regarding our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or a member of the Leadership Team.
Santa Claus Is Coming To Kingsley!
The children had a special visit from Santa Claus during our Christmas party and they had a lovely time playing games, partying and busting some moves.
Bethlehem Ballroom
The children were fantastic in our Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas performance of Bethlehem Ballroom and all played their parts fantastically!
We are lucky this half-term to have a wonderful coach teach us for PE. We have been practicing our balancing skills using the tennis rackets and bean bags.
Remembrance Day
We stood for our two minutes silence and listened to the last post played on the trumpet. Then we created some beautiful poppy field artwork to honor the members of the armed forces for their service and sacrifice for our country.
For Anti-Bullying Week 2024, we came to school in odd socks. We designed our own odd socks and talked about bullying as class. We spoke about the impact of bullying and which trusted adults we could talk to if we had any worries.
I the story of Rama and Sita, people light lamps with candles to guide Rama and Sita home. We made our Diva lamps with clay and decorated them with paint and sparkly gems.
We have been exploring what makes a good photograph. We have looked at making sure the subject is in focus, capturing the photograph in either landscape or portrait, what happens if there is too much or not enough lighting for the photograph and that the subject must be in the frame.
Our topic this half-term is India. We have been learning about monsoon rain and how it impacts life in India. We listened to rainfall and painted how it made us feel.
In Science we have been looking at living things and their habitats. Part of this was looking at the microhabitats that minibeasts live in. We made our own microhabitats and minibeast homes.
In art we have been learning about block printing. We learnt about the origins of the technique and why it was so popular in India. Then, we used a range of objects to practise our printing technique. We then designed, made and evaluated our own printing block.
We have enjoyed our 'Attack and Defend' unit of work in P.E. We have been learning how to stop, kick, catch, dribble and bounce a ball.
We built houses of bricks, sticks and straws. The brick house was definitely the strongest. We used the knowledge we have gained from the structures topic for our final build of the unit.We really enjoyed this one!
We have enjoyed using Google Chrome Lab to make different rhythms. We made rhythms to match different animals and played them for our friends.
We have enjoyed making a moving picture, with a slider mechanism, about The Great Fire of London. Ava and Callie even made their own at home. Well done!
Our Summer PE is looking at attacking, defending and shooting. We practised the skills of passing over short and long distances and increased the difficulty by making the gates smaller.
We have been learning about the Tempest. We put our trust in our partners to take us around the room and say phrases from the passage we were reading.
During our structures unit we have learned lots of new vocabulary like: freestanding structures, buttress, base, replicate, join and centre of gravity. We created labels for this vo ability and added them to all of the structures we have made.
This week we designed and made a chair for Baby Bear
Look at our amazing beanstalks!
We have been enjoying the story of Vlad and the Great fire of London. We sequenced the events of the story
We were given a challenge to build the longest bridge we could using 1 piece of A4 paper and building blocks. We then made bridges out of dried spaghetti and play dough. We found it very challenging but we persevered and showed great resilience.
We designed and made a freestanding structure for Humoty Dumpty's garden.
We have been exploring structures this term. We found out that triangles are the strongest shape. We used this knowledge to design and make a structure for a playground.
we thoroughly enjoyed our drama session. We got off our ships and landed on a desert island. We explored what the island had to offer, then went back to our boats. Unfortunately, our boats were broken. What ever will we do?
We really enjoyed visiting The National Museum of The Royal Navy. We had a tour of The HMS Trincomalee, visited the pirate exhibition and learnt how to use a sword (foam!) like a pirate.
We have been learning about Aboriginal Art. We practised then created our own aboriginal picture.
Our Spring term topic for P.E is gymnastics. We have been learning to balance, roll and leap.
We really enjoyed our rockstar day. We played on Times Tables Rockstars and created our own avatar.
Bethlehem Bake-off
Well done to all of the children for their excellent performances in our Christmas school play of Bethelehem Bake-off.