Welcome to Year 2
Miss Spowart and Mr Fear
The topics we cover this year are:
Land Ahoy!
The Great Fire of London
Look below to see some of things we have been up to!
Our email address is: year2@kingsleyschool.org.uk.
This is checked regularly however, if you need to speak to a member of staff as a matter of urgency, please either speak to a member of the leadership team on the gate on a morning or ring the school office.
Here are our curriculum jigsaws for 2023-2024.
If you require any additional information regarding our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or a member of the Leadership Team.
We built houses of bricks, sticks and straws. The brick house was definitely the strongest. We used the knowledge we have gained from the structures topic for our final build of the unit.We really enjoyed this one!
We have enjoyed using Google Chrome Lab to make different rhythms. We made rhythms to match different animals and played them for our friends.
We have enjoyed making a moving picture, with a slider mechanism, about The Great Fire of London. Ava and Callie even made their own at home. Well done!
Our Summer PE is looking at attacking, defending and shooting. We practised the skills of passing over short and long distances and increased the difficulty by making the gates smaller.
We have been learning about the Tempest. We put our trust in our partners to take us around the room and say phrases from the passage we were reading.
During our structures unit we have learned lots of new vocabulary like: freestanding structures, buttress, base, replicate, join and centre of gravity. We created labels for this vo ability and added them to all of the structures we have made.
This week we designed and made a chair for Baby Bear
Look at our amazing beanstalks!
We have been enjoying the story of Vlad and the Great fire of London. We sequenced the events of the story
We were given a challenge to build the longest bridge we could using 1 piece of A4 paper and building blocks. We then made bridges out of dried spaghetti and play dough. We found it very challenging but we persevered and showed great resilience.
We designed and made a freestanding structure for Humoty Dumpty's garden.
We have been exploring structures this term. We found out that triangles are the strongest shape. We used this knowledge to design and make a structure for a playground.
we thoroughly enjoyed our drama session. We got off our ships and landed on a desert island. We explored what the island had to offer, then went back to our boats. Unfortunately, our boats were broken. What ever will we do?
We really enjoyed visiting The National Museum of The Royal Navy. We had a tour of The HMS Trincomalee, visited the pirate exhibition and learnt how to use a sword (foam!) like a pirate.
We have been learning about Aboriginal Art. We practised then created our own aboriginal picture.
Our Spring term topic for P.E is gymnastics. We have been learning to balance, roll and leap.
We really enjoyed our rockstar day. We played on Times Tables Rockstars and created our own avatar.
Bethlehem Bake-off
Well done to all of the children for their excellent performances in our Christmas school play of Bethelehem Bake-off.
Summer Term 2023
Year 2 had so much fun on Sports Day! They all tried very hard and were very excited to participate in the fantastic games!
In R.E Year 2 have been learning all about belonging. Take a look at our brilliant R.E display below!
Year 2 have enjoyed using the laptops to research all about plants! We thought of lots of fantastic questions to help us research and also found out what plants needed to grow.
Year 2 have had an amazing day celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III! We dressed up in red white and blue, we made flags and crowns and sung the National Anthem!
Take a look at some of our amazing displays in Year 2!
Year 2 practised their brilliant skipping today. Take a look at us practising below.
In Science we tested our superhero capes to see if they were waterproof and flexible. Take a look at how we tested our superhero capes below.
In Literacy Year 2 have used the laptops to research all about Bearded Dragons. We found out some amazing facts!
Year 2 really enjoyed designing their fantastic logos for King Charles's coronation! Take a look at some of the brilliant designs below.
Spring Term 2023
Year 2 are becoming super gymnasts! Take a look at us practising our gymnastic skills below!
We have had lots of fun practising and learning skipping skills today! Take a look at our brilliant skipping below.
Year 2 have had a fantastic day on their trip to the Historic Quay! We enjoyed our tour of the HMS Trincomalee and seeing the inside of this brilliant ship! Year 2 had lots of fun completing the cutlass experience and exploring the pirates exhibition.
We had so much fun taking part in World Book Day! We made brilliant bookmarks, dressed up as our favourite characters and talked lots about our favourite books!
We are really enjoying gymnastics in Year 2! We loved trying out some of the amazing gymnastics equipment and working with the gymnastics coaches!
Year 2 have had lots of fun taking part in Times Tables Rockstars Day. We practised our times tables, dressed up as rockstars and had lots of fun at the disco! Keep practising your times tables on Times Tables Rockstars!
As part of Local History Week, Year 2 have been learning all about the HMS Trincomalee. Take a look at some of the brilliant work we have completed!
In Science we have been learning all about what animals and humans need to survive. Take a look at some of our fantastic work below!
In Computing we have been using the new laptops. We practised logging on and using algorithms. We used Purple Mash to follow simple coding programmes.
Take a look at some of our brilliant Science work!
We have enjoyed taking part in Children In Need. Take a look at some of the activities we took part in!
In Literacy we have been learning all about traditional tales. We have worked together, discussed the features of traditional tales and have also read some traditional tales. It was lots of fun!
To show our recognition of anti-bullying week, we came to school wearing odd socks. Take a look at some of our odd sock pictures below.
Look at some of the fantastic work we have created as part of anti-bullying week!
We have learnt about Remembrance Day and for Remembrance Day we have made some fantastic poppy pictures. Take a look at our amazing poppy pictures below!
As part of our D.T we tried a variety of fruit. We were so excited to try the fruit and had lots of fun describing the fruits we tried!
We discussed how to stay safe on Bonfire Night and created some fantastic Bonfire Night pictures. Take a look at some of our brilliant work!
In Year 2 we have really enjoyed designing and making our own diva lamps in R.E! Take a look at our amazing diva lamps below!
We have enjoyed learning about the features of non-fiction text in Literacy. We looked through a selection of non-fiction texts and discussed the features we found.
In Year 2 we have been practising our throwing and catching skills in P.E. We have had lots of fun practising throwing overarm and underarm.
In Maths we have been learning about tens and ones and how to add tens and ones. We have worked very hard using the dienes resources to show the value of two digit numbers. In Year 2 we have also used bundles of straws to show the value of tens numbers.
We have been using tens frames to play games and learn our addition fluency facts.
We have been learning about habitats in science and went onto our school field to make our own microhabitat.
Here is some work completed in 2021-2022.
Year 2 have had a fantastic day on their school trip to the Historic Quay. Take a look at some of the brilliant things we got up to!
In Year 2 we have really enjoyed learning all about mental health during mental health week. Take a look at some of the fantastic activities brilliant work we have completed!
We had a fantastic sports day and had fun trying all of the brilliant games. Take a look at us trying our best on sports day!
Year 2 Platinum Jubilee display, which displays some of our brilliant work created this week. The children in Year 2 worked very hard to create the collage of Queen Elizabeth II's head for our display.
Take a look at some of the fantastic work Year 2 has created when learning all about Queen Elizabeth II and the Platinum Jubilee!
In Year 2 we have had so much fun celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. To celebrate, we decorated cakes, sang the National Anthem, played games, had a picnic and learned all about Queen Elizabeth II! Take a look at some of the fantastic things we have been up to to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee!
Take a look at some of our fantastic work, all about plants!
The children in Year 2 have had lots of fun, planting and watching their own sunflowers grow! Miss Roache and Miss Spowart are proud of how well the children in Year 2 have taken care of their sunflower plants!
We planted cress seeds and completed an experiment to see which of our cress seeds would grow the best. We were very excited about this. We found out that the cress seeds given water and sunlight grew the best!
We have worked very hard in learning lots of new skills in P.E, including working as a team!
We have had a great day taking part in Red Nose Day!
Take a look at some of our brilliant D.T work, showing the structures that we saw around school and the materials the structures were made from.
Year 2 have been learning all about structures in D.T and have been on a walk around school to see what structures they could find. We looked closely at what materials the structures were made out of.
Take a look at our amazing World Book Day and Literacy displays!
We had a fantastic World Book Day, we completed some World Book Day activities and came to school in some great costumes! Here are some of our costumes in Miss Roache's class.
Here are some of our costumes in Miss. Spowart's class for World Book Day 2022.
For Safer Internet Day, on the 8th of February 2022, we talked about how we can be respectful and safe online. We talked about the different ways we could seek help if we felt uncomfortable online.
Look at some of the work we completed.
Aaliyah created her own story about Mr and Mrs Grinling from our class book- The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. Miss Spowart is very proud!
Take a look at some of our fantastic classroom displays!
In Literacy, we have been completing activities linked to our class book- The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.
We have enjoyed trying different foods linking to the story to help us with our writing. We used lots of fantastic adjectives to describe the different foods we tasted!
We wrote our own disgusting sandwich recipe and diary entry linked to the story. Look at some of our fantastic work.
In P.E we have been learning all about gymnastics. We have enjoyed practising some jumps, turns, leaps, rolls and balances!
Some of the turns, jumps, leaps, rolls and balances we have practised are:
The stork leap, arabesque, 1/2 turn, full turn, cat leap, 3 point balance, 4 point balance and teddy bear roll.
Miss Spowart and Miss Roache are very proud of our fantastic gymnastic skills!
In Maths we have been learning all about division and the difference between groups of two and two equal groups. We have worked together in pairs to show our understanding of this. Well done everyone!
In Maths we have been learning all about grouping. We have used concrete objects such as cubes to practise grouping in twos, fives and tens.
In R.E, we have been learning about why the Bible is special to Christians and what it teaches us about God. We listened to the story ' The Lost Son' and ordered it with a partner. Also, we talked about how God is a creator and learnt the creation story. Have a look at some of our work below.
As part of our India topic, we learnt about the different fruit that can grow in India and why Monsoon rain is important for farmers.
For Design and Technology, We practised our cutting skills and made our own fruit kebab. We followed the design brief and evaluated our kebabs after we had ate them!
In Computing we have been learning all about online safety. We have looked at and discussed how to stay safe online and have created some fantastic pieces of work related to online safety! Take a look at some of our work below.
In RSHE we have been learning lots about choices and good relationships. We have also discussed what bullying is and who we can go to for help/how we can help others. Also, we have worked very hard on thinking about how we can be kind to others and listening to others point of view.
As part of Local History Week, we learnt about The HMS Trincomalee
and talked about why it was important to Hartlepool.
Look below to see us working with our partner to order the voyages of the ship and to see some of the tasks we completed during this week.
In Art, we listened to the aboriginal story- The Rainbow Serpent. First, we drew 3 parts of the story and wrote sentences to match. Then, we drew The Rainbow Serpent and decided on a design for our painting. Finally, we made our own aboriginal dot painting.