Welcome to Year 5
Miss Santos and Mr Simpson
Our email address is: year5@kingsleyschool.org.uk
This is checked regularly however, if you need to speak to a member of staff as a matter of urgency, please either speak to a member of the leadership team on the gate on a morning or ring the school office.
If you require any additional information regarding our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or a member of the Leadership Team.
Scroll down to see the wonderful work that the Year 5 children
have been producing!
School Nurse visit
Today, the school nurse came into year 5 to talk about smoking and vaping. We learnt about the harmful effects of smoking and what chemicals can be in vapes! We even got to look at some ‘tar’ that can accumulate on the lungs from smoking.
As part of our Science topic on Space, we looked at how fast the planets went around the sun. We set up a track around the playground and took it in turns to run around each ‘orbit’.
We have just began our new topic of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. First we looked at an overview of the play. We discussed about how we can act out and be part of a scene even if there isn’t enough characters. Our first task was to act out different objects that you might see or find on an island, then a magical island. We then split into small groups and acted out a different scene from the play!
Planet Parade Night
Year 5 stayed back after school one night to see if we could spot the planets aligning. Although it didn’t get as dark as we hoped, we still managed to see Venus, Jupiter and Mars with the naked eye! Everyone had a fantastic time!
Our new topic in Maths is Fractions. We have been practically dividing up ‘custard pies’ and ‘pizzas’ to work out the answers to the calculations.
Fire Brigade Assembly
Ks2 had an assembly in which the fire brigade came into talk about fire safety in the community. We got to go outside and see the fire engine then our very own Mr Simpson got to try on the fireman’s outfit!
PE - Dance
This week in our dance session, we focused on being spies and the movements they would make including rolls. We then began to come up with some different codes and act out our coded number to a sequence of different movements.
PE - Dance
This half term year 5 have been working with a sports coach looking at dance. We have focused on acting out different emotions and how important it is to be in time and sequence with others and the affect both these things have on stage.
In autumn term, the year 5 children have explored how digital systems function and interact in everyday life. They learnt that systems are made up of different parts that work together, including inputs, processes, and outputs. They discovered how computer systems communicate with other devices and managed tasks efficiently. They also explored the human role in designing, using, and maintaining these systems, while considering the benefits they bring to our lives.
Additionally, students developed essential skills for using the internet effectively. They learnt how to use search engines to find specific information, refined their searches for better results, and compared results across different search platforms. By understanding how search engines organise and retrieve information, students build confidence in navigating the digital world responsibly and efficiently.
Year 5 Christmas Party
We thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas party! Check out some of our ‘Photo booth’ pictures.
In DT, we looked at structures that have been built in every day life. We then used these observations to apply certain methods of building to create our own Shadufs.
Our new book is Kensuke’s Kingdom. We read up to chapter 3 in which Michael went overboard and came up with some words and phrases that would describe our thoughts, feelings and our surroundings if we were on a boat in a storm. These words were then placed around the hall and we picked some out to help us create a group poem.
To end our Egyptian Art topic we laid out our final piece of artwork and like an art gallery we viewed each others work, we then left positive comments and constructive criticism on each piece of work. We really enjoyed looking at everyone’s work and reading the comments others had left!
We have been comparing timelines of the Ancient Egyptians, Roman and Greek civilisations.
We have been looking at a range of ways in which we could throw the ball - shoulder, chest and bounce passes. We played some mini games in which we looked at which was most effective and why.
’When everyone is around you it is easier to do a shoulder or chest pass to get it over the top of them as you don’t have space to bounce pass’ Laila
In Science we have been looking at properties and the particle model. We done an observation looking at hot chocolate powder and sand and what would happen to them both when put into hot water. We made some good predictions and had seem excellent discussions about what we thought was happening to both and why.
As part of our Ancient Egypt topic, we are looking at pharaohs. We read about and acted out a ‘day in the life of a pharaoh.’
For Remembrance Day, Year 5 joined in watching an assembly by the National Literacy trust. We listened to speakers who had survived the war and current serving members of the services speak about their experiences. We then joined the whole school outside for silent reflection.
Our topic this term is Islam. To start off we looked at the 6 main religions and compared the main points of each looking at similarities and differences. Each table was given one of the religions to research and produce a poster about. We then fed back our information to the class with each table ‘teaching’ the others about their religion.
This half term our book in Literacy is A Series of Unfortunate Events. We were writing a piece about the characters, Violet, Klaus and Sunny and to help we done some freeze frames about what they were doing in various settings. We took it in turns to be each of the characters and a narrator to explain what the children were doing and trying to describe their physical features in the process.
We began our new topic in Science by looking at a range of different objects and in groups we came up with ways in which we could classify these things. Some of our ideas included by size, material, properties in common e.g transparency.
We have been doing a range of skills in PE, including netball skills. We practised a range of different throws and began looking at how to effectively pass in a game situation.
In Year 5, we have been using place value counters to help us understand numbers up to 6 digits. We have also used them to help us add and subtract. Using the counters we looked at how to exchange and rename when doing column subtraction.
In Art, we have been focusing on crafting. We have created designs in the style of William Morris and then recreated them using collage, paint, clay and sewing.
We have been writing the musical notation for 'You are my sunshine' and 'senorita' on the xylophone. We then practised playing the songs ourselves on the instruments. It was great to see everyone helping each other - reminding them of notes to play and reading notes aloud.
Children were tasked with designing a mechanism to help Tails avoid obstacles. Look at our prototypes.
Design Technology
We learned about gear trains and made cogwheels.
We learned about pulleys and made our own.
We worked with setting conditions, adding if, then and else statements.
We made a simple lever operated hand to explore levers and how they work.
We read musical notation and played a familiar tune.
We created a practical graph, using the mean result from our data, to show the outcome of our investigation.
We explored different forces raising questions and finding ways to answer them.
We have been learning about the moon and it's cycle and modelled the phases of the moon using biscuits and icing sugar.
In RE, we have been learning about how Christians celebrate the period of advent in the run up to Christmas. We learned about the advent wreath and what each of the candles represents before creating our own advent wreaths.
We have been creating artwork showing the colours and landscapes of Egypt. Our focus has been developing our sketching techniques and using different drawing materials to create different colours and textures.
During our maths lessons, we have been using place value counters and dienes to practically solve multiplication calculations. We have looked at a range of methods such as grid method, partitioning and written methods to help us find answers. We have discussed ways in which we can make calculations with bigger numbers easier to solve such as making numbers 10 or 100 times smaller, our knowledge of place value and number bonds.
PE - Badminton Coach
Year 5 have been very lucky as we have had a badminton coach in school. We have been learning how to do a forehand, backhand and how to serve properly. We are really enjoying taking part and are looking forward to our future sessions.
In PSHE, we have been looking at laws, rules and responsibilities. We discussed rules of the school and rules in society. As a class, we discussed the consequences of breaking rules both in school and outside and how society would look without rules and laws to follow. We then compared the consequences of both.
Work from the academic year 2022-2023
Year 5 had a fabulous day at the Hancock Museum in Newcastle. It was an excellent day and we explored lots of things about Egypt, the Romans, Animals and Prehistoric life. We enjoyed the interactive exhibition where we followed a quest through the museum.
During STEM week, we had a blast designing and making a functional litter picker made from classroom litter. We worked hard within our teams and demonstrated some amazing collaboration skills.
We've done it again Mr Fear's class smashed it this week for attendance. A well deserved well done!
Year 5 have been using our new NFL American footballs to practise throwing and passing at each other.
28 year 5 children were awarded a headteachers award yesterday for their exceptional assistance during the KS1 sports day. Numerous adults throughout the school commented on their attitude, attentivity and overall effort on each of the 14 games they helped run. Year 5 really are shining bright!
Year 5 looked at the artist William Morris and used his work as inspiration to design and create our own wallpaper prints.
We used the ideas from our Art topic (William Morris) to help us design our own stamps for the King's Coronation.
In Music, we have been exploring how objects in space can be represented by musical instruments. We have been using ChromeMusiclab to create our own space songs.
Check out some of our children's work by using the QR codes below.
In Art, we have been looking at lots of different techniques to use with oil pastels. Some of these are scrumbling, sgraffito, stippling and pressure blend. Using these techniques, we have been creating our backgrounds for our Monsoon images. Stay tuned for the final pieces!
We have been wearing it bright in support for raising awareness of Blue Monday.
To kick start our space topic in science, the children worked together to note down all of the facts and information they knew already about space to create their own 'Big Picture'.
Well done to Mr Fear's class on winning the attendance trophy. Just in time for Christmas time as well! Lets keep it up!
For our DT project, we have been exploring different types of bridges. The children then choose a particular design to replicate using lots of different materials to cross the river Nile. We then tested these to see how much weight they could hold. They held a pretty decent amount of weight! Well done Year 5!
See what we got up to in the academic year
We have been exploring forces in Science. We looked at the relationship between mass (measured in grams) and gravitational force (measured in newtons) using scales and force meters.
In Mental Health Week, we took charge of our own learning and were open and honest about how tricky our tasks were. We used an answer station to mark our own work and then 3 colour coded cards to decide whether we coped well, struggled a little or needed more help with a task.
We also had an awesome afternoon outside playing games where we didn't keep score. We enjoyed cheering for our team mates and even widen our friendship circles as we were mixed with children we wouldn't normally choose to work with.
In DT we have been exploring Cooking and Nutrition.
We have had an amazing time trying out Thai foods. Miss Pratt and Miss Santos were so proud of us because everyone tried at least one thing! We explored the flavours or different starters, meals and sides and then designed our own recipe. Finally, we used these recipes to make our own Thai foods and even took some of it home to let our family try. They were delicious.
Trying Thai Food
Making our delicious Thai foods!
Safer Internet Day, on February the 8th, was a day that we talked a lot about gaming online and how we build and maintain respectful relationships. It was really interesting talking with each other about what games we played and how we created an accurate, positive and kind representation of ourselves. Have a look at our work below to see some of the examples we gave.
In our Music lessons, we have been using our Science topic of Space as inspiration. We listened to 'sounds of space' and created a mind-map of different sounds that we thought we may hear in space. We watched videos on different instruments and added to our mind-maps which instruments may make sounds like those we would hear in space. We have thoroughly enjoyed making our own music using digital technologies.
Local History week was the week beginning the 10th January. We spent this week learning more about Hartlepool. Year 5 found out some amazing facts about being a steelworker and why it was an important industry to Hartlepool.
Have a look below at our awesome work!
We have been very interested in exploring other religions this year and have looked in detail at Islam. We looked at what Muslims believe, the story of Mohammed and why mosques are such an important part of the religion. We also looked at their holy land of Makkah (Mecca) and used our geographic knowledge to locate it using a list of clues and a world map. We are so proud of our work!
We read a story called the Fourth Son as part of our PSHE lessons. In the story, it told of a family who each got given a specific skill. One of the boys was given the skill of 'good learner'. We discussed what this skill meant and how the skill could be transferable throughout different situations and different parts of our lives.
Year 5 have had a fantastic time in PE learning how to play dodgeball. We have worked on different types of throws, how to manoeuvre our bodies to avoid being hit and the rules of play. We have enjoyed versing the other Y5 class in games and playing together to learn skills. Lots of fun was had by all! Well done everyone!
If you require any additional information regarding our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or a member of the Leadership Team.