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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 


Mrs Fellows and Miss Pratt

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This is checked regularly however, if you need to speak to a member of staff as a matter of urgency, please either speak to a member of the leadership team on the gate on a morning or ring the school office.

If you require any additional information regarding our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or a member of the Leadership Team.

After learning lots about the Suffragettes and what lengths they went to in order to improve women's rights and secure the vote, we held a debate in class to simulate how passing a bill may look like in Parliament. There were some excellently articulated arguments put forward. 

We loved learning all about the marvellous work that the Dogs Trust Charity do. It was very interesting and we even learned a few new things about dog's mannerisms that we didn't know about. 

We are Crime Scene Investigators in Literacy at the minute. There has been a crime committed in the hall and we were brought in to investigate and help solve a possible murder. We need to use this evidence we collected to inform the people of Scotland via a newspaper report.   

We have had a great time exploring how different species evolve and develop a range of adaptations to help them survive.


We looked at how moths camouflage and which types of bird beak are best for collecting different types of food. 

We had a great time in Whitby exploring the different places we are learning about in Literacy (our Room 13 topic). 

We had an EGGcellent time in Year 6 today.  They absolutely smashed the Easter Egg competition with some fabulous ideas. Everyone in school found it so difficult to vote for their favourite.  Check out our entries below:

Our winners!


Joshua - Carlton Camp


Bobby - the Wonka Eggsperience


Blaine - Manchester United





We have had a great time in Maths exploring decimals. We have looked at different representations of a range of decimal amounts and talked about what we know about them looking at different ways of creating them and their equivalence with fractions. Our use of apparatus to explain our findings is fabulous.  

We have had an amazing morning watching Elf at Vue Cinema as a treat for the hardwork we have put in all term! 

Inspire Time

We have been working really hard this term and on a Friday, we have enjoyed some time playing games and doing crafts. 

In PSHE, we have completed the topic “Getting on and falling out”. Some of us got deeply involved in this topic and were able to relate some of the experiences to our own life at school and at home. We spent a lot of these lessons with discussions and group conversation/work, some short tasks, which all built up to our final piece of work. Our final piece of work was responding to problems in the style of an agony aunt, all the children were wrote to from different people asking for advice. They had to write letters back to these people. 


In French, we have been learning “La Seconde Guerre Mondiale”, meaning the Second World War. This topic has followed the journey of Ralph and his 2 sisters, who were evacuees during WW2. We have enjoyed learning about their experience during this time. We have learnt lots of new French words related to the war, but in Year 6 we have had to challenge our learning, not only have we been learning the new French vocabulary, our main focus for this topic is to be able to spilt the vocabulary into word classes. Last week we were all able to pick out the adjective in every single French sentence and then say what it meant in English!


This term, Year 6 have been learning about the different rituals of a range of religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam). It has been incredibly interesting learning about the different ways people show their faith and how these rituals develop stronger bonds between those who perform the rituals. 


We have had a fabulous time exploring the different components within a simple circuit. We looked at the way energy moves around a circuit and how it is transferred from electrical energy into light, heat and sound energy. We even designed our own investigations and tested out our own hypotheses. 


In Computing, we have been learning about computer systems and how they are all linked. We have paid special attention to networks and the idea that the internet is a huge network full of networks. We have also attempted to recreate sending messages in 'packets' through our own network. It was great fun and we even managed to put our packets together to build a picture. 


During our Maze Runner work, we have been exploring the idea of the Glade. We have been outside and explored the sounds, sights and smells of the field while imagining that we were trapped in the Glade. We also used freezeframes to explore the feelings that different captives might feel when trapped inside the Glade. Our Rescue Notes have been fabulously well written from these experiences.


In Year 6, we have been designing and creating coil pots in the style of Mayan ceramics. It was quite fiddly and we had to work quickly so that the clay didn't dry out. We produced some excellent pots and our painting is fabulous. 


We had a great time trying out some Judo moves in a taster session in the hall. It was incredibly fun and some of us have even learned a few new skills that we had never done before. We now know that Judo is all about causing your opponent to lose their balance and it is about respect and control. 


We have had a great time exploring the rules and skills needed to successfully play games of handball. We have talked about how different strategies work and the different skills we need in order to successfully intercept a ball to receive possession and how to score a goal. We especially enjoyed playing games of "Fruit Pickers" to practise these new skills. 


We have been exploring secondary sources in order to learn about the Mayans. We inferred from the images and used what we could see to explain and justify our own ideas about this ancient civilisation. We then used research to confirm or alter these ideas. 

Some amazing activities from the last academic year...

We attended the first Crucial Crew event of 2023 at the Power Station this week. It was a fabulous afternoon and we thoroughly enjoyed learning about different things that we can do to keep ourselves safe. We met people from the council, RNLI, Police and the Fire Brigade. 


Some of us even practised calling 999 to ring for an emergency service. 




Safer Internet Day 

The Year 6 children discussed feeling pressurised or manipulated when playing online games. They then had a very deep and meaningful class discussion in order to come up with some good ideas about why someone might do this and what you should do if it happens to you. 


Teach the player some of your good moves so they get better at the game. Then they will be able to earn items instead of trying to steal from others. 


Why are you cyberbullying? I’m bullying someone to relieve my pressure at home and I am letting it out on people I don;t know. Maybe I should talk to someone.


Give them reassurance if they are losing or doing bad at the game. Maybe help them.


Report things they do.


Tell a trusted adult if anything happens. 


Don’t add random players.


Ask a friend for advice if you are unsure.

As well as being unkind, it will make people not want to play with you. 

Local History Week

Dusing Local History week, Year 6 explored the shipbuilding industry of Hartlepool's past. We looked at different jobs that were available when working on a shipyard and how this industry changed Hartlepool. 


We created some amazing leaflets to share our research and even explored perspective in Art to draw a ship that was built in William Gray's shipyard in Hartlepool!


We have been looking at rituals of different religions. We looked at The Eucharist (Christianity), Salah (Islam) and Pesach (Judaism). 

We explored the ceremonies involved and why these Rituals are important to each religion. Look at our wonderful summaries and answers to the question: Why do people use rituals today?

Computing and DT

The children have worked hard using Computer Aided Design software (Sketch Up) to produce some phenomenal 3D designs of different buildings to meet a brief. They created: swimming pools, tree houses, sports halls and even arenas. The children took a great deal of care and time to make sure that they produced high quality work. They reflected well and made changes each week and thought carefully when evaluating their work at the end of the project. The resilience the children showed throughout this topic was fabulous and we are all so proud. Well done guys!  

The Marvellous Mayans

We have been exploring the different aspects of Mayan life and how this has shaped the world we live in today. We looked at how their civilisation sat in history in relation to other ancient civilisations and talked about what we already knew about the Romans and Egyptians. In addition to this we explored sources and made our own predictions about artefacts we evaluated. 


During Anti-Bullying week, we explored the terms: Bully, Victim and By-stander. We read scenarios and tried to identify people within them from the characteristics they had shown. Then we looked at different things a bully might do and ranked their severity in groups and used some amazing communication and teamwork skills. 


In Year 6, we have enjoyed taking part in lots of fun activities to help us with our reading and writing: we have played sorting games and crosswords in spelling; we learned about prepositions using bingo and drawing games; we planned out a movie trailer based on our class novel; interviewed witnesses when we worked in role as reporters; and produced newspapers based on the discovery of 'The Glade'.



We made some historical observations and carried out research to find out about the time period of our novel, Oliver Twist. We got into role as the workhouse children and were presented with our reward for our hard day's work: the 'bountiful' meal...

Online Safety

We have been discussing the importance of being respectful and responsible online. We know about how Social Media can have an impact on our lives both now and in the future. We looked at the term "Digital Tattoo" and discussed what it means to develop a positive presence when accessing different websites where might play games or talk with our "real life" friends. 

Reminder - Just a quick reminder that weekly phone calls home will no longer take place. If you would like us to call, please let us know via the year group email and we will ring as soon as we can. Usual contact via the class emails will continue. 
Click on the image below to enlarge the picture. 
Year 6...
If you require any additional information regarding our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or a member of the Leadership Team.