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New Home Learning Format for Nursery, Reception, Y2, Y3, Y4 and Y5

Thank you to all the parents who are supporting their children with the home learning tasks. It has been lovely to read your emails and look at your photos and videos. We appreciate it can be difficult to fit everything in but we have noticed that children seem to be completing less work since half term. It is so important that we keep encouraging the children to complete the tasks and send evidence of their work to their class teacher.

We have now split the home learning into two sections Essential tasks (updated weekly) and Non-Essential tasks (updated monthly). We highly recommend children complete at least the essential tasks each week as these activities are focused on key targets to prepare your child/children for when they return to school. The non-essential grid has activities from across the curriculum which can be completed from now until the end of the Summer Term.

To access the new home learning format please follow the link below for your child’s year.




Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5


We look forward to receiving and responding to your child’s work by email.

